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PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 9:27 am
by Ra88
Here's the Terrorpyre I was talking about. :wink: Rampage pics will come later tonight, still working on it. :)


As for his transformation: Upper legs and waist fold open. Waist goes to the back before the upperlegs do, so that they are secured in place by the now closed waist. The legs slide upon each other, and the toes retract. Wings detach from arms (they're a seperate piece that's combined with the arms) and becomes the cape, like with Desraco. Arms fold open before moving upwards and rotating, revealing the new lowerarms. They are secured in place, and then the new wings fold out. Finally, the bathead folds back and the chest moves up, simulating the cape look of vampires like Dracula. Done!

Hmmn...Might make a "partner" for him that's based on the original vampire (zombie that sucks blood from dead family members). :twisted:

Oh, next "experiment"? Nessie, using Beast Wars Ultra Megatron for the basic transformation. Beastmode combines things from traditional Nessie and the Cadborosaurus (what many scientists believe the "sea/lake monsters" to be).

characters that are all ready mythological

PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 9:55 am
by J.T.Silversmith
I discovered this thread a little while ago. I think it is impressife that there are so many good ideas and so many incredible talents in one place! Since I recntly gave up lurking, I thought I would throw my two cents into the pot, and see what happened. I think there are several existing characters that only need a little re-working to fit in quite nicely. They are all post Beast Wars season 1 toys, so they would need to be "un-transmetaled" and given some cosmetic changes to robot mode to get that ancient culture feel. Generally transformations can remain the same, thougs several would gain a third mode.

Transmetal Ramulus is a Satyr in robot mode. Then you don't have to have him transform into a part human for his beast mode.

By pulling down the backpack, unfolding the legs, and pulling down the hip joints Transmetal Rinox has an alternate transformation with four legs, and could make an interesting Centaur. Personality wise Rhinox is very similar to Chiron, a a ledgendary healer and teacher, who trained Jason, Achillies and other Greek heroes, so I thought it was a good fit. Also apparently when Marco Polo saw an Indian Rhinocerous he thought it was a Unicorn! It would be interesting to see a couple sketches making him a triple changer, more or less like the "modern" interpretation of a unicorn, with a centaur and robot mode.

There are numerous Beast Machines characters that turn into Mythical creatures. Megatron is a dragon, and Savage/Noble transforms from dragon to demon(bipedal bat winged wolf) though neither one is useable in this story.

Silverbolt is a Phoenix (look at the wings, where there should be feathered details there are flames)

Battle Unicorn is obviously a unicorn, though he needs a new name badly.

Longhorn is a Minotaur in robot mode, and similarly Quickstrike is a werewolf.

If you leave the legs connected Hamerstrike has a merman mode.

Night Viper with some fiddling could fit a number of snake creatures, from Nagas(snakes with human heads), to humanoids with snake heads, or snakes with arms (or legs).

Split Black Arachnia's legs, and she has a Drider mode, though she is missing some legs.

Then there is RID Bruticus who transforms from three headed dog, to Satan himself straight out of Dante's Inferno. With some fiddling he also has a centaur mode, and a 4 armed mode.

Plenty of ideas right there, and since there were 20+ stasis pods on board the Axalon, there is ample opportunity to bring any of them to Earth.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 10:41 am
by TM Devastator
Dang, I had an idea for a "Pharoah" too. Now I will eat a turd.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 11:28 am
Devastator wrote:Dang, I had an idea for a "Pharoah" too. Now I will eat a turd.

Dude! You are too frikkin funny!

Rinox Unicorn/Centaur

PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 12:06 pm
by J.T.Silversmith
Here is a quick sketch of an idea for his beast mode
Here is a quick Photoshop recolor of his centaur mode to explore colors and things.
I just finished a couple of ideas for his robot mode as a beast wars design rather than a transmetal, though if anyone would like to do their own take on the idea that is fine with me.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 1:14 pm
by Blastoderm
Thanks gys for the feedback since DC is still in the rough stages of develpment.

BBA: Sorry for the small pics, these are just all little thumbnail pieces I just sketch on the side of my notebook during class. :P

Lord Loqi- Love very much the Sphinx concept. Would love to see a "dog-bird" Silverbolt face version. :)

Ra88- Thanks, I dunno, I can make his "manta ray" like wings similar to a Pokemon I saw while back (don't remember name, looks like a angry whale, Cayogar?).
Although I can try incorporating wings similar to this MTG dragon:
Just tell me what ya guys think is more appropriate.

And so far your power-hungry Terropyre looks very interesting.:D

Destructor: Interesting observation with DC's head. Now that you do mention it, I'll try not to make the visor/face too similar to Predaking's head on the final design.
The transformation scheme for DC will be that of the Sixshot pic I posted below. It's similar to Meg's transformatioon somewhat with the head and tail as forming arms, but I'm not too definite. Gotta follow along the actual figure.;)

J.T. Silversmith welcome aboard and love the ideas. I think shin will have a nice time weaving all the characters into his story.

And bah, since I'm way behind with artwork :oops: , BW Liege Maximo will be based largely on the Balrog from Lord of the Rings (with some elements of the Biblical Satan/Demon).
His minons (G2 footsoldiers) will be largely based on like flying devils or whatnot.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 2:44 pm
by TGping
silversmith- as acidwing said, welcome aboard :D and rhinox looks like a very convincing centaur... hmmm I wonder if we could have other centuar animals besides horses? why not like a tiger or something?

now I've gotta draw something before all the good myth creatures are taken, lol

PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 3:23 pm
by The Librarian
Ohh... :shock:

Yes, that Rhinox looks great!

My next one (Firebird) is still in the early stages of sketching, but this is something I did earlier. I meant to put it in my first post:




Incidently: I'm toying with making Sett (half pig/half ass) into someone like Carnivac, in addition to a Troll design. Just thought you ought to know. Oh, and then there's my idea for a pyramid...

PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 3:47 pm
by ImperiaxPrime
Nice idea. The Nemesis as Mt. Olympus.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 8:14 pm
by Primus_feather
Love the Nemisis Crashed in to Olympus, BUT I think it be better to have the Arc atop a mountain as Olympus, and the Nemisis as the gates to Hades (thrusters=doors) Fire and all, while having a "cerebus" transformer guarding the enterence to "Hades" aka Unicron.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 4:06 am
by Ra88
TGping wrote:silversmith- as acidwing said, welcome aboard :D and rhinox looks like a very convincing centaur... hmmm I wonder if we could have other centuar animals besides horses? why not like a tiger or something?

now I've gotta draw something before all the good myth creatures are taken, lol

Oh, you just HAD to say it, didn't you? Now I'm tempted to make an Ultimate Weapon based creature. :P 8)

PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 5:22 am
by BillyBadAss
Designing this Snarl is killin' me!!
TFM suggested using RID Sideburns as a transformation.. :?:
A car? But this is a gargoyle..

But you know what? It works!

I'm trying to come up with some designs for the bot mode - the transformation is there - just need to figure out what the Hell does the robot look like..

So, here's a few ideas I had in mind today at work:


PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 5:51 am
by Ra88
Ooooh! That looks good! :D

And what? One measly comment on my Terrorpyre? :P j/k

PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 9:58 am
by TFmaster
BillyBadAss wrote:Designing this Snarl is killin' me!!
TFM suggested using RID Sideburns as a transformation.. :?:
A car? But this is a gargoyle..

But you know what? It works!

I'm trying to come up with some designs for the bot mode - the transformation is there - just need to figure out what the Hell does the robot look like..

So, here's a few ideas I had in mind today at work:


There are a couple of small problems with the design.

One of the front beast legs hide INSIDE the chest like the wheel does for RID Sideburn but it becomming part of the chest works as well.

The other creature's front leg should also be handing off the lower arm.

As for the legs the tail comming off thing to weapon is cool but keep in mind that half the area of the back half of the creature folds out to legs like G1 Grimlocks's lower half does. (Butt becomes legs) Should help to add a bit of creature details into the bot design.
The back creature legs folding up the way they do is fine.

Anything else looks frickin' faboo.

Please work on finalized Grimlock designs soon!!!


PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 4:12 pm
by MetalSamamon seemed like I had a million-and-a-half updates to do... :roll:

But I love these designs; creating that list has given me a good reason to review each post and mark down new ideas and updates! Thanks one and all!

Some quick comments; I love the Nemesis idea (I mean humans back then might have seen "giant robot aliens" as gods; hence the birth of the myth...

And thanks for updating me Librarian. I needed to know who that dragon was... :lol:


Oh, and I updated the list on page 1 accordingly!

PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 5:29 pm
by TGping
just lettin you know that I'm lookin at everything, I will definitely go into a lot of C&C when I get home tomorrow-I'm using someone elses computer- :D I like all of this collabertin'

PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 10:00 pm
by MetalSamamon
Oh, I didn't know where else to day this; so I'll say it here.

Great job on the new sub-forum!!! I love this!!


PostPosted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 4:26 am
by TM Dark_Lord_Prime
Partly inspired by Ra88's drawings of Blackarachnia, here's my take, based on the myth of Arachne except, in my version, Arachne wasn't reincarnated as a simple spider.

I figured, if the protoforms can mimic organic beasts, they can surely mimic human flesh as well, right?

I've got some ideas for bot-mode, including either the human half folding inside the spider body--which will come up behind her back--while her bot torso folds out to replace it, or utilizing "panel folding" and having her bot armor folding out to surround the human half.

Here's the rough version. I'm currently working on inks and colors in Photoshop. The hourglass on her chest has been removed and her hair's been lengthened, and I've redone the mouth to appear more "monstrous".


PostPosted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 5:29 pm
by TM Dark_Lord_Prime
What the heck... here's the current state of inking, too:


PostPosted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 11:31 pm
by TGping
here is one of my *famous* ink and marker sketchies of Sixshot :D I'm keepin' the name... hey they called energon shockblast sixshot, so I'm goin for it. and he does have a noble streak somewhere, read his bio- it says he has respect for those that have faced him in one-on-one combat.

so here still WIP- gearing up for the final piece with full transformation sequences.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 12:04 am
by ShinMusashi44
nice work everyone. i've been away for awhile and am still away for now. im using my cousins computer cause mine does't work right now. i'll have a big update when i get back. keep up the work everyone.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 5:01 am
by TGping
let's see- lord loqi, I've been wondering what character would make a good sphinx.

RA88- so that terrorpyre is supposed to be a vampire bat thing right that transforms into a dracula esque creature? interesting idea...

where's nessie? :D

BBA- are you still having trouble with a transformation for snarl?

PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 5:11 am
by BillyBadAss
TGping wrote:where's nessie? :D

BBA- are you still having trouble with a transformation for snarl?

Heh.. I'm just trying to figure out the designs for the robot parts.

My mind's been wandering off lately..

Thanks for the concern, though.

And where is Nessie?
Maybe she's too modern of a myth..?


PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 5:43 am
by Ra88
TGping wrote:RA88- so that terrorpyre is supposed to be a vampire bat thing right that transforms into a dracula esque creature? interesting idea...

where's nessie? :D

Yup, figured that it would fit Terrorsaur, being the "treachery and manipulative fiend" stereotype. :wink:

I'll try to finish her at the same time as Rampage. :wink: Keeping things simpel with her though, she's a new take on BW Ultra Meg's transformation. Always easier to work from existing schemes. :P

Oh, and Billy: The Nessie myth dates from the 1200s. The story goes that a demon snake, possibly an offspring of Leviathan, was haunting Loch Ness until the local priest banished it back to Hell. :wink:

PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 4:35 am
by BillyBadAss
Been working on Snarl's robot mode - here's an early sketch: