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Re: Collection is altogether now!

PostPosted: Thu Apr 11, 2024 8:11 am
by D-Maximal_Primal
The Armada Megatron mold is a classic, and it looks great on your shelf as Galvatron!

Re: Collection is altogether now!

PostPosted: Tue Apr 16, 2024 10:45 am
by SGMLordMirage
A good day to all.

In this post i am highlighting the DNA kit for ROTB Studio Series Optimus Prime. Overall not a bad kit for this OP. Trying to keep this short so to speak but in the photos i tried to do comparison or a before and after look as i put the pieces on. I would like to point out though when putting on the new shoulder parts, you have to make sure you get that one piece on really good. Otherwise the shoulder halves will not come together properly to secure with the screws.
The rest of the pieces are easy enough to switch out. Of course, the weapons have a better look and the arm cannons are more screen accurate.
The Noah/exo-suit fits well with my ROTB diorama. I will add some more paint details to him but for my application/purpose it works for me.

It is a decent upgrade set in my opinion. It gives you a more accurate look for bot mode and weapons while giving you playability and posing.

I will say the new shoulder pieces didn’t affect the sticker set i had applied from Toyhax, which of course was good.



Re: Collection is altogether now!

PostPosted: Tue Apr 16, 2024 11:04 am
by SGMLordMirage
Moving onto some other updates. I decided to pull my Armada Powerlinx OP out of the display case and transform him into is combined mode. Then i placed him on the one case with my other OPs. I took a photo of both releases just for fun. I realized at some point, i ended up with a second OP, which was a few years back. The one i purchased back when he was released i put in the display case with the Armada line i have. The other sits with the rest of my OPs. Maybe at some point i will sell that one, who knows.

Lastly, talking about the Dinobots again.. With my recent purchase of Snarl, i decided to search for Sludge. I had found some really decent prices on eBay. I was able to snag a copy for 32 bucks, but add shipping and wonderful tax it was 42. Now i am not complaining by any means, i am very lucky at the price. So now I have them posed on top of my one display case that has all my Titans and Commander class type characters. I do have Swoop preordered and hopefully in the near future i will purchase Slag. If I'm not mistaken next October, Grimlock will be rereleased, while that will be awhile to wait for, it’s all good. Doubt i will find him for a decent price but you never know. I will have them all at some point. I am beyond late to the party in having these guys but it’s all good.

Wherever you may be, have a good day,


Re: Collection is altogether now!

PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2024 5:02 pm
by SGMLordMirage
Hope everyone is doing well in your part of the world. Due to personal reasons, back yard DYI and inside house type DYI i haven't done much with my ROTB scene nor anything big with my collection. However, a small update, i was able to purchase Slug/Slag, which many of us i would think refer to him as Slag, from Hasbro Pulse. I have the trio displayed with my Titans/CW Devi and others. Again, i am late to the party in snagging these guys but I have three of them now. Unless i get lucky to find a loose Grimlock for a decent price, i will be holding out for the repack next year. It will seem like waiting for Swoop, but i will have them all at some point.

As always, appreciate those who check out my collection,


Re: Collection is altogether now!

PostPosted: Sun May 19, 2024 5:56 pm
by SGMLordMirage
A small update for my SS86 Slag. I purchased an upgrade kit for him, that included the red horns and gap fillers for the feet. I did get lucky with this purchased, i got everything for 10 bucks. I had the red horns just by themselves on my watchlist and then were 10 bucks. A lucky win on eBay. Back to this set. An easy switch out for the red horns, they fit perfectly. I will say the pieces for the feet, they are snug. Might be hard to tell from the photos, they color is alittle off, but in robot mode, you can’t see it and i good with it.

The red horns look so much better, giving him a similar look to his G1 toy.



Re: Collection is altogether now!

PostPosted: Wed Jun 05, 2024 10:41 am
by SGMLordMirage
The main highlight on this post is for the lights i was able to add this month to my display cases. You can see from the box what they are. My wife ordered them off Amazon, on top of being on sale, she had a 10% discount to apply. I think these are normal $49.99, on sale for $29.99. They are pricey to a degree but for my purpose and saving money on not buying a crap load of batteries, they have saved me some money.
What i was able to do was finish my third case, lighting up my bottom two shelves, BOTCON/TFCC and the Classics/RTS/Universe. Then for my fourth case i was able to light up the 07 movie shelf, ROTF, DOTM, and my FOC/WFC shelf. This display case is primarily my movie case and the only shelf i wasnt able to put lights on was the fourth shelf, which will eventually have my ROTB diorama on it. Which i am still working on or trying to work on. I am waiting though until i get further along with putting it in that case.
That leaves that shelf and my shorter display case (three shelves) to get some lights up. Just nice to finally get more shelves lit up.

Moving onto to collection type stuff. I finally made the purchase of the outer shell Snarler. That would leave finding a tail and those nice expensive shoulder pads. Which don't come up for sale that much but still pricey.

I will have another update in a couple of days, i have some more G1 stuff Ive purchased.

Until then, thank you for checking out my photos,