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Arcee looks shocked at Ultra Magnus' missile

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Arcee looks shocked at Ultra Magnus' missile
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130 captions have been posted for this image so far ...
fenrir72 writes: I don't do oral.................
Ravage XK writes: Is that a missile on your shoulder or are you just happy to see me.
Depthchargelives writes: UM: Seriously, stop looking at only makes it worse.
REGI ICE writes: UM: I vill shoot you now.
Dragonoth writes: UM: "Did you hear? Wheelie became a Throttlebot."

UM: "April Fools!"
TheTouch writes: U.M: To answer your question something like that.
Kamakaze Thrower writes: Magnus: What'd you call me, b*tch?
Silver Wind writes: Arcee: *nervously* "Um, Magnus, could you please point that missile away from me?"

Ultra Magnus: "I can't help it if I'm taller than you! And besides, you said that you wanted me to look you in the face while you're talkin
luevanoalx writes: MAGNUS: WELL,WHAT DO YOU THINK????
Lich Lord Dranas writes: Just then Arcee realised that Ultra Magnus was compensating for somthing.
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Roadshadow writes: UM: Wanna touch it?
DarkDranzer writes: UM: Uh oh...I wonder who got hit by the Gamma Radiation Explosion...

A: I don't wanna know...

*Hulkatron (or Galvatron) starts bashing the walls in*


A: Heroism is soooo overrate
Jedi-and writes: UM: He gets his destructive tendancies from your side of the familly...
Arcee: How can you say that about our first son! He's going through a phase!
UM: Uhuh... rock and roll all over again... Give it two days and Telatran 1 will be out the window.
Dclone Soundwave writes: Arcee:"I knew your parts were disarranged, but this much?"

Ultra Magnus:"Yup, I'm pretty messed up"

Arcee:"Well, does it come any bigger than that?"

Ultra Magnus:"Yeah, but I figured that you'd play wi
DarkDranzer writes: Arcee: Ultra Magnus why do you have a missile that big for?

UM: I'm gonna frag Galv's to da wall man YEAH!!!

Arcee: You're scary...

UM: Ain't I always biatch?

Arcee: Um...nooo...

*Next thing Galvatron becomes a giant ver
gauthic_angel7680 writes: Magnus: Come on baby, touch it. I promise it won't go off this time like last time.
Arcee: No I don't want to. I still have the eye patch from last time.
Starbeam writes: Arcee: "I see your 'schwartz' is as big as mine."
ShYnE writes: Ultra Magnus: Maybe you can help solve a mystery.
Tom Of Doom writes: Is that a missle or are you just pleased to see me?
sppower writes: Auto-office Christmas party, 2006.
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darkwind25 writes: Arcee: Huh,ah....ooooohhh! I likes what i sees.
Ultra magnus: Sorry, i dont swing that way.
Zeedust writes: Arcee: "You know, when we started, I never would have suspected that you looked so much like Prime under all that armor... *Giggle*"

Ultra Magnus: "Shh! You want people to know about us?"

Arcee: "Eh, let 'em talk.&q
Not Sonic writes: Arcee:i alaways thougt you were a man!
Masterpiece Prowl writes: Arcee: Watch where you point that missile, Magnus. You could put out an optic sensor with that thing!
Ultra Magnus: Sorry Mom.
juggaloG writes: A: Could you, um, stop pointing that missile @ me? (in a scared voice)
UM: (In an angry voice) I can't deal with that now!
Greg writes: Umm! That Oil You Pumped Out Was Amazing!
Demona writes: a: hey where'd ya get that from?
um: ebay
overdrive writes: magnus? is it cold in here or are you just pleased to see me?
I can't deal with that now!
chi-chi writes: wow that looks sooo big
Brakethrough writes: Ahem. I'm up *here*, Arcee. The missile can't talk to you.
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Cyros writes: Ultra Magnus: See, while everyone else has wrist lasers and signle shoulder cannons, I took the next step: TWIN SHOULDER MISSELES!!!

Arcee: Aye you drunk again, Magnus?

Ultra Magnus: Maybe... *hic*
star_sabre86 writes: ARCEE: WOW ITS SO HUGE!
U.M.: You're talking about my missile right?
ARCEE: Uh yeah...your missile
g2grimmy64 writes: R.C.: Uhhh...Magnus, I think that nuke you got loaded in your launcher is fixing to detonate...
U.M.:I can't deal with that now.
Uber_Kosh writes: Arcee: Oh...OH MY GOD! IT'S MOVING!!

Ultra Magnus: What did you say?
Operation Ravage writes: "Um . . . sorry. My missiles get hard when I'm cold."
Autocons writes: [Magnus]: uhhh it does that everytime i see a fembot hehe
Road Turtle writes: Why! I'd rather kiss a Wookie!
Tiedye writes: Magnus-" Hey Arcee I just got back from a battle and I think i was shot in the back can you check it put for me?" Arcee-"If you need me to......"Oh My GOD!" You got a bomb on your back!"
Ratbat writes: What's wrong, Arcee?
Pokejedservo writes: Arcee: Uh oh... Magnus: We're on the wrong set again are we?
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Soda Pop Kurtis writes: Magnus: Big, huh, wanna suck it?

Arcee: That's sexual harassment, and I don't have to take it.
Bruticus Buckeye writes: Magnus, "Maybe you can can help solve a mystery. That is, Where are my pants?"
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Ultra Magnus,"Were waste deep in fecies aren't we?"
Lunarcloud writes: Arcee: Damn, nigga! You smell like Megatron!
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Arcee,"Are you suggesting that you becomemy pimp?"

Ultra Magnus,"No think of it more as a love broker."

Night Shift ref.
Primeval Cortex writes: Magnus, could you talk to Springer for me about a private issue we are having? You're so BIG and Verile... I uh.. hmmm... oh forget it. I'll order soem Enzyte!
juggaloG writes: OK, OK! I realize you don't have time to deal with this now!
Mkall writes: "Spike wants you to stop flirting with Daniel, if you don't, this missle has your name on it."
Marcus Rush writes: Arcee: Its... its soo small... Err how do you expect to... deal damage, yeah thats it, deal damage?
HeliconAutun writes: Arcee: 'Magnus, I've developed an obsession with your left missile. This is officially the worst thing to happen to me since Daniel became my headmaster companion.'
Arcee's head: 'Shut up b****.'
Spike (from below): 'W
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NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Ultra Magnus,"So then the Decepticons will be in......UGGHMMM Arcee my optical sensers are up here would you mind not staring at my chest while I talk to you."
Arcee,"I wasn't's just magnificent.Do you work out a
Castle74 writes: Is that a missle on your arm or are you just happy to see me?
thexfile writes: Arcee : there is nothing that wil convince me to toutsh that hing magnus , no way !! yak
fuzzy butt writes: Ahhhh! kill it kill it ...
O fre j.c. sake its just a piece of paperrrr no its a BUG a BIG bug ,kill it, kill it

No you
No you
fuzzy butt writes: what do you mean by " you want to ckeck my fluid levels?"
Yes your fluid levels i've got the dip stic stuck behind my auido sensor, now say aaaautobot
SeekerInAFakeMoustache writes: Ultra Magnus got so fed up with searching for an Energon Arcee figure, he kidnapped the real thing at missle-point. The last the Autobots ever saw of her, she was crunched between an Armada Unicron and a Kay Bee exclusive Jhiaxus.
Nomad writes: Arcee: "Tell me, does this fender make my butt look big?"

Magnus: "No, but that helmet does..."

*Magnus gets a swift kick in the nuts and bults*
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Arcee,"Damn I broke a nail."

Ultra Magnus,"Why does your head look like an X-Wing fighter pilot's helmet?"

Arcee,"Shut up you insecure crybaby."
New Omen writes: Ultra Magnus: Arcee i need your, ive been attracted to a transformer now for sometime but i dont know wot to say?
Arcee: wow i had no idea!?
Ultra Magnus: you know?!, well could you give this love letter to Rodimus Prime.
Arcee: My god, u love Rodimus
Gallonos writes: Arcee: Now if you start today, your missile problems will be gone in a few weeks. And trust me it's a good thing. And remember my singature line at K-Mart, from my home to yours.

Ultra Magnus:(Trying to open the matrix) Open up, damn you open!
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Fast Lane writes: Magnus- *Thinking*
I could bust her head like a melon right now. She'd never expect it. I mean why would she? I'm her friend. Just...bam! Outta no where. I could blame it on Whellie and no one would know. They can't tell what he's sa
HeliconAutun writes: Magnus: 'No, I don't know many car carriers with missiles either. But that's life, and hey! I can't deal with that right now!'
HeliconAutun writes: Arcee: 'For such a tall bot you have a very small missile.'
HeliconAutun writes: Arcee: 'So if I'm Princess Leia which one are you?'
Magnus: 'Chewie. I'm the tall one. Oh yeah, almost forgot - I can't deal with that right now!'
HeliconAutun writes: Arcee: 'Careful, you'll take somebody's optics out with that thing.'
HeliconAutun writes: Arcee: 'Magnus, when are you going to stop Hot Rod from scribbling on the walls?!'
Magnus: 'I can't deal with that right now! It's my breast reduction this afternoon!'
shockwave_inoz writes: ARCEE: "Magnus... I'm ready RIGHT NOW! C'mon - let's DO IT!!"
MAGNUS: "But I'm.. I'm just a soldier - I'm not worthy... "
ARCEE: "Huh, no kidding MORON! Now you've put me right off. Where'
thexfile writes: Ultra Magnus : arcee have you seen the new thunderbirds film ??

arcee : now whey ??

Ultra Magnus : i thougt you were in it.

arcee : now where did you get that silly idea from...?

Ultra Magnus : so , it is'nt you ? i thought pink roler , n
thexfile writes: Ultra Magnus : arcee i was always wondering why your boobs were mounted on the side of your head ??

Arcee : wow youn man don't speak to me like this , ans the asnwer to your quistion , just minde your own buisnis.
Acelister writes: Arcee: "You mean its only glued on?"
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Acelister writes: Ultra Magnus: "Yep, it was with THIS missile that I beat Hot Rod to within an inch of his life."
Acelister writes: Seconds before this photo, Arcee was holding a missile launcher...
Ultra Magnus: "You call that a missile? THIS is a missile."
Acelister writes: Ultra Magnus: What do you mean "So Hot Rod was right"?
Zeedust writes: Arcee: "That's a choking hazard? Coulda fooled me..."

Magnus: "Yeah, well, according to Meroplex, your jaw unhinges like a snake."

Arcee: "He's just bitter about how we broke up..."
Russimus Prime writes: Arcee: Well, that is an interesting place to put that...
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Arcee,and Ultra Magnus experience that awkward moment when you both relize this was just a one night stand,and there's really nothing more to say.
UM,"Yeah so....."
A,"Right well I guess...."
UM,"Ugm thanks? I gotta
goldfingerz writes: you know, I've never understood this. You're a woman autobot, Im a man autobot, but we're both robots......we have no sexual organs, we're not men or women. Why would floating heads with tentacles design us like humans, when, accordi
Kevinus Prime writes: "Hey, Arcee, I came to see you since Springer said you were a Headmaster."
Kevinus Prime writes: "I...I thought we had joint custody of Wheelie."
Kevinus Prime writes: "I'm going for the Princess Leah look."
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Kevinus Prime writes: "Have you seen MY crappy Energon figure? What the Hell's an Omnibot, anyway?"
Kevinus Prime writes: "Maybe you ought to see Ratchet about that growth."
Kevinus Prime writes: "Ultra Magnus, can I have my kite back?"
Kevinus Prime writes: "Hey! My bra!"
Powermaster Jazz writes: Arcee: Look at the wall! Now everyone'll know what we did in here.
Magnus: I can't de...on second thought let me get my plaster kit.
New Omen writes: Ultra Magnus:erm...Arcee its stuck!?
Arcee:I told you not to interface your hand down there!
Ultra Magnus:Spike said this "Human Foreplay" would win you over.
Arcee:keep wiggling and maybe it'll come loose...
Springer walks in,
Minicle writes: Ultra Magnus: NO I WON'T SAY IT! I CAN DEAL WITH IT! DO YOU HEAR!!
Powermaster Jazz writes: Arcee: So...what they say about city commanders is true!
Magnus: This isn't the time or place for that!
fuzzy butt writes: It will never work out between us, I'm a 440volt and you're just a 220v.

But baby they make adaptors just for this kinda thing.
Damolisher writes: Arcee: Wow, that's a big long one isn't it?
*Rodimus walks in*
Rodimus: Hi, guys, what's happening? *Takes sip of Energon*
Arcee: Magnus is nervous about battling Galvatron. I'm just stroking his Missile for luck.
*Rodimus sprays e
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NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Ultra Magnus,and Arcee,"Who farted?"
Minicle writes: Magnus: You know, from this angle my shoulder rocket kinda resembles an Energon Star.

Arcee: Err. No it doesn't...
Alphatron writes: Arcee: Hey, Magnus... guess what? I had this little meeting with the Energon council and they agreed to make me an Energon figure!

Ultra Magnus: Hey, I did too!

Arcee: WHAT??!!
Happy Noodle Blacker writes: Magnus! I'm not THAT kind of girl!
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: (edit) since Transformers RiD
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Ultra Magnus,"This is crap did you see Energon Omega Supreme stole my transforming gimick."
Arcee,"Oh no you mean esentially Optimus gets half transformed and then stuck in his backside too? Then how come he's not called Ultra Magnus
Topnwe writes: Magnus: go on, you can touch it...
Arcee: no, no... that's alright, i think i hear Hotrod calling..
Magnus: *sniff sniff* i'll never be better than Hotrod...not even with these implants
badjimmy76 writes: Whats the point in having a huge missile if you never fire it you idiot
DeltaOmega writes: Ultra magnus: Am I missing something here?

Arcee: Duhhh!
Kal-Seth writes: Arcee: Your AutoBot Sig is Gone!?

Ultramagnus: Yes and So is My Career
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Castle74 writes: Don't point that thing at me unless your willing to use it!!
Darph_Bobo writes: Arcee: Horrid...turn away...

Magnus: uhhh...where am I?
trailbreaker writes: "Magnus, it's an orange juicer !!"
AirwalkerX writes: Ultra Magnus: Galvatron Makes me so mad I.... I...

-Ry- writes: Arcee:Your missle is about to detonate.
Ultra Magnus:I can't deal with that right now.
Diablocon writes: Ultra Magnus: Now you see, this is why you should never use shoulder missles when decorating a wall.

Arcee: I see.
nothing_face writes: Arcee: Don't point that thing at me!
Ratbat writes: [Arcee] I've never seen that missile so close before.
starscream99 writes: Arcee: What do you think of my hair?
Magnus: eeee you donĀ“t have hair Bonehead!!!
starscream99 writes: Arcee: Get of of my foot
Ultra Magnus: Why should I Bonehead!
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Rodimus_Lantern writes: Arcee: "It's so cute."
Moments later Ultra Magnus breaks down and cries.
psychoandy writes: Magnus: "So, uh.. what should we do with Galvatron, here?"

Arcee: "Well, we could paint a smiley face on his butt, and stick tree branches in his hips..."

Galvatron: "Why couldn't this have been 'Blustery Day'
trailbreaker writes: Magnus -- "Arcee, why do you wear lipstick?"
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Ultra Magnus,"What do I get for 10$?"
Arcee,"An-ee-ting you want." (FMJ ref.)
Colinus Maximus writes: Ultra Magnus: No, Wheeljack didn't make any adgustments to my systems.
Arcee: (pouting) But he promised me implants.
Hyper Convoy writes: Acree: For the last time, I will not 'Sit on it and rotate!'

Ultra Magnus whines and goes into the corner to cry in the fetal position.
Jaw Crusher writes: Arcee: "C'mon, I just wanna see if you really do look like a white Optimus under there." Magnus: "Nuthin' doin'. Last thing I want is Springer breathin' down my neck casing." Arcee: "Really? And here I tho
Minicle writes: Magnus: It just suddenly grew out of my arm this Morning.
Minicle writes: Arcee: Dammit galvatron. Stop looking through that crack allready!

Galvatron: Eeeeek!! O.O
CenturionDroid writes: Magnus: "Dude...Arcee, Pull my Missle"
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thexfile writes: Arcee : now here this you brute , i wo'nt have this , just do as i tel you !!!

Ultra Magnus : ceap your shirt on , who do you think you are ? prinses layla or something ?? :-S

Arcee : Ohe how revolting
thexfile writes: this is like the new nissan comercial , arcee wants to arm wressle ultra magnus for the space.... arcee waves har hand and magnus looks in amaizement
Road Turtle writes: Arcee, "No, I won't help you unload your missile!"
Road Turtle writes: Arcee, "You'd better put that away Magnus! I'm serious! Wreakgar's not here to put you back together if you don't!"
Road Turtle writes: Arcee, "Don't you point that thing at me Mr, I just face planted Galvatron five captions ago! Don't think I won't do the same to you!"
USDA Prime writes: Arcee: "That's sexual harassment, and I don't have to take it!"
alphaz writes: Arcee: "My, what a big... erm... *missle* you have, Ultra Magnus..."
Ultra Magnus: "All the better to shoot Galvatron with!"
kgee691 writes: Arcee: Is that a missile or are you just happy to see me? (blush)
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Arcee,"That's what all the girl's have been talking about? I'm sorry....snicker....I uhm can't deal with that now."
Daedelus writes: Acree: "Watch..where you are pointing those things, they could put out a visual receptor."
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Twincast / Podcast #350:
"Oops! All Optimus"
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Posted: Saturday, May 18th, 2024

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