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C3P0 and R2D2 on escalator w/ Braver in "Victory"

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C3P0 and R2D2 on escalator w/ Braver in "Victory"
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206 captions have been posted for this image so far ...
Vapor-03 writes: C3PO: The odds of successfully making a cameo in a Japanese Transformers anime is approximately 1 billion,250 million...oh, hmm..never mind then.
trailbreaker writes: Cosplay Convention 2022.
Quantum Surge writes: Saber and the droids prepare to take back Lucasfilm from Disney
Rainmaker writes: Braver: Hey, did you see those two that just went past us? Must be refugees...
Godzillabot Primal writes: Perceptor's and Prime Bumblebee's extensons into an alternate universe
Primus2x writes: Jan: They seem awfully familiar
Braver: Must be looking for a job
Heckfire writes: "So...who ruined your movies?"
"Michael Bay. You?"
"George Lucas. At least the toys still rock."
"True that."
Taiya001 writes: C3PO: R2, I think we have been saved by the Emperialists.
C3PO: no i dont think he is hostile. BUT I HAVE BEEN WRONG BEFORE.
Zeedust writes: Eerie SWTF foreshadowing? Or just a weird coincidence? I'm gonna call that a yes on both counts, actually.
medleystudios72 writes: Hey, at least we look like the robots from our movie, pal!
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medleystudios72 writes: E-chu-Ta!
Mad_Mexicoy writes: These aren't the droids i'm looking for...........
Shadow of Lio Convoy writes: Jan: Errr you 2 this is not Star Wars: Clone wars this is Transformers Victory.
StarSaber1701 writes: Jan: I did not know there was a Star Wars convention
Griper: Yeah
C3PO: I told you R2 that we should have not gotten on that Transport.
SilentBlaster writes: The star wars transformers crossover
Sondura1 writes: sereously I dont even know what to think of this.
GraveWaver writes: Braver:..... butt clowns.
Judynator writes: C3PO: Please! This is the Star Wars?
Braver: No, This is Transformers Victory!
C3PO: Jeppie! Come on, R2D2! Lets to Transformers Energon!
Braver: Idiots...
Unknown writes: braver: Damnit! wrong space bridge!
omega wing writes: Master luke sir so good to see you took that arm upgrade
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Kamakaze Thrower writes: Star Wars gave Hasbro a LOT of money for an appearance in the show.
DeltaSilver88 writes: Braver (A.K.A. Lightspeed): Nice to know that we can see the Aurora Borealis in here, too. *starts a tech lecture and pauses to look at 3PO and R2... rubs his optics* Did I just see what I think I saw?
Jan *eyes bugging out*: Yeah... what the hell are th
ZeldaTheSwordsman writes: Braver:So,what can you do?
C3P0:Well,I am fluent in over 6,000,000
R2-D2:Beep-woop-woo-boop-beep(We can't turn
into anything,but C3P0 can annoy the De-
cepticons to death,and I am very good at
slicing computer systems).
Minicle writes: Braver: Hey! Nice Halloween costumes fellas!

C3PO: HRUMPH! What cheek!
Minicle writes: C3PO: Here's another fine mess you've got us into Artoo!
Optimum Price writes: C3PO: Hello, we are the newly recruit Autobots. I can transform into a sports car and R2's a mailbox.
R2D2: Toot! Sprrt Beep Beep Bopp! (Translation: Liar! I'm a sports car and C3's a mail box!!!)
DestronMatrix writes: Braver:"you boys are a good addition to the team. but what exactly do you do.

C3PO:I am C3PO human cyborg relations and this is my little friend R2D2.

Braver:"Exclent, Now you boys strip down, transform and give me an energon sample."
Zeedust writes: "Star Wars Transformers" rumors go back a long way.
Roadshadow writes: Braver's job after Transformers Victory.
Not Sonic writes: wooooooooo bee beep beep beo beep
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Demonic Femme writes: Braver, "... hey... your stomach-parts are showing."
Marv writes: They just *had* to redesign the Vader costume for Episode III, had they?
Marv writes: So, what I've always been wondering about you...what the slag do you two transform into anyway?
Marv writes: Transformer: Hmmm, well I guess this *does* kinda explain Megatron's new cape...
Marv writes: Your human, we don't serve his kind around here! He'll have to wait outside!
Masterpiece Prowl writes: Always remember to take that right turn at Omicron Persei 8
Alphatron writes: Braver: Aww... Crap! We're in the wrong movie! Daniel, I told you we should've taken a left on that last corner!
Demona writes: squirrel: omigoshisawr2d2onthestreethewaslike weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-bleep
Zeedust writes: Braver: "I'm sorry, sir. Security has to inspect the contents of that trash can before it's allowed through the checkpoint."

R2: "Beep boo [CENSORED] honk!"
Tiedye writes: 3CPO-"So I take it you would like a job on Star Wars after your contract on Trasformers is over!" BRAVER- "yeah." "A bot can only take so many years of getting shot at, I'm looking for a way to retire,even if I only play a dr
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Unknown writes: braver: when did you two get to be TF size?
c3p0: moomooisacow!
Unknown writes: C3P0: "Finally! A good Jedi!" Braver: "**** you!" CRP0: "My system do not understand that command...."
Unknown writes: C3PO: ...hey... waitaminute... why the heck're we here? Dangit! We're lost again!! I told you it was a left R2!!! R2D2: Beep!!! C3PO: Oh don't you give me any lip! You're the one that got us here! I'm terribly
Shadow Fox writes: Braver- you say you can't transform, or thing you can do is the short fat robot can give a mild shock..and why do you want to be an autobot? C3PO- well..we haven't worked since the 70's and child support is s
Unknown writes: Baver's job after TFV.
Unknown writes: Star Wars Episode 7?
Unknown writes: Braver: And over to our left is...of all that is good and holy!! WRONG SET YOU BOZOS!!
R2D2: Beep beep!!
Minicle writes: Braver: Wassin no kakushi namboyo.
Artoo: Beep boop boop.
Threepio: No Artoo, even though i am fluent in six million forms of Galactic Communication, Psuedo Japanese escapes me.
Unknown writes: Braver: Crap...Laster was serious when he said that Star Wars was real! What's next, the Dark Side and Jedi?
Autobot bubbs writes: Braver: effeminate robot detector is goin haywire....preparing to feel...uncomfortable...
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Zeedust writes: Everyone's so busy looking at the robot crossover in the foreground, they don't even notice the breif three-way crossover as Marty McFly sneaks by on a hoverboard.
Unknown writes: Braver: I hate these damn crossovers!
Jokopoko writes: All thinking: He looks really fake up close
Unknown writes: Braver: Well..SON OF A BITCH! GET OUT! NOW!!
C-3PO: Well, someone certainly got up on the wrong side of the bed today...
Zu Darkness writes: Okay so let me get this straight You and R2D2 were informed from Anakain to find me and pay me to assisnate Jar Jar Binks. With pleasure
Unknown writes: Braver: The Mini-Con recruits are getting freakier by the day!
Bill writes: The japanese once again screw up American movies.
Unknown writes: C3po: I am your servant for now
R2D2: Alright come
Unknown writes: Proof that George Lucas has lost his mind
Unknown writes: Braver: Alright, I think we can begin this year's meeting of Continuity cluster f-ck rehab.
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Unknown writes: You got a chip on your shoulder
Unknown writes: Ooops. I guess we're in the wrong movie, R2D2..
Beast Simpson writes: It's robots in DISGUISE. Dont kid yourself.
Beast Simpson writes: C3PO: .....Looks like we took a wrong turn in Albequerquie.
Zu Darkness writes: I'm ready for my jedi Training..So where the F---is that little green guy Yoda hiding anyway
Unknown writes: Hoo boy, This is going to be awkward.
Unknown writes: This is odd......
Unknown writes: So... um... this is awkward........
Unknown writes: Oh man these guys are so retarted I mean C3P0 just sounds gay!
ionacus writes: what the f--!!!you guys are on the wrong set!stupid f--ing star wars rejects!just cause they suck they gotta mess with everyone!
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Unknown writes: b:why are'nt you guys in the movie star wars? c3po:it stinks. r2d2:veeb beeb. (yeah)
PlasmaRadio writes: Braver: "Are you the droids I'm looking for?"
Unknown writes: Braver: I sense a disturbance in the Matrix
Zero writes: hot rod:love you man!Braver:love you to.R2-D2:beep zi ze bere beep[hey fruit turn around so I can see your make up]braver:C3-P0 what did he say.c3 p0:I don't know I wasn't listening
Unknown writes: Braver: Ummm, sorry, wrong show...

C3P0: D'oh!

R2D2: Vroot-vroot zeep-zeep! (Aw, crap...)
Sideswipe writes: C3PO: Excuse me, sir, I think we took a wrong turn at Mos Eisley
Braver: That would explain why a bunch of humans took Daniel, Wheelie, and those damn Armada kids off in a jail cart.
R2 D2:(why do I get the feeling that I will have to save the day, ag
Bruticus Buckeye writes: We don't serve droids here. Move along.
Unknown writes: Worst crossover EVER!
Unknown writes: wate wut
Unknown writes: C-3PO: I am fluent in over 6 million forms of communication. Braver: Oh yeah? Well, I am fluent in over 6 million forms of blowing up a Decepticon. C-3PO: Good point, sir.
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Unknown writes: C-3PO: I am fluent in over 6 million forms of communication. Braver: Oh yeah? Well, I am fluent in 1 very effective form of blowing a Decepticon's head off. C-3PO: Good point, sir.
Unknown writes: C-3PO: Sometimes I just don't understand human behavior. Braver: You and me both, pal.
Unknown writes: Well at least Jar Jar ain't here!
z writes: C3PO: Okay, umm, we need directions back to our movie, could you help us?
dodo writes: so your movie also killed off the best character and let the annoying brat save the day
Unknown writes: you know that lucas can sue you at any time?
Hah! Let em try!
Unknown writes: Braver: Sorry Guys, you're in the wrong cartoon. C3-P0: Oh s--t! R2-D2: I told you we took a wrong at alberturkey you a$$hole!!!!
Unknown writes: Braver: Sorry Guys, you're in the wrong cartoon. C3-P0: Oh s--t!
Firestorm writes: According to the police report, Braver saw the two droids, and in his anger over all the years of not having a US release killed them.
Unknown writes: C3P0:I keep telling you,Im OPTIMUS PRIME!!!
Braver:And I keep telling
you your not in the list.
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APOLLO writes: Braver: "Hello 3PO, I am Anakin's newest droid"

C3PO: "Anakin, but why, I thought I was your droid."

Anakin: "Not any more you annoying piece of crap, kill him Braver"

R2D2: "
Unknown writes: Braver:(Thinking) I think Greoge Lucas is gonna sue somebody.
Duo Maxwell writes: As Braver suddenly realized that the transformers set was in the next lot...
mouse writes: Outtake number 321...Star Wars, the Transformer version...
Unknown writes: Braver: whassup with these dime store extras from battlestargalatica. Jan: i thought they were from buck rogers.
Heather Prime writes: yes speedbreaker I has Robots in disguise........ My friend to autobots .......
Heather Prime writes: Hey Omega Prime say need for me ask to war star!!!!!! i meet to C3PO and R2D2..... my friends an autobots
SlagMaker writes: First a GI Joe crossover in the comics, now this! Can it get any worse?
Unknown writes: Braver: God, these crossovers really suck.
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Unknown writes: Galvitron:"Kiss your ass goodbye, 3PO!"
Unknown writes: r2d2: "beep oop beep beep"cp30:"swip your card trough here"
Chachi writes: Braver: "Boop beep yourself, jerkass. Members only!"
Unknown writes: Oh ya? Well my action figure sells for twice what yours does.
Unknown writes: C3PO? what the hell are you doing here, get back to your own movie!
Unknown writes: Whats the Password
Unknown writes: braver: um..dude this is the transformers set... the star wars set is in the next lot
Stacey writes: Uh, I think you two have the wrong show!!!
Unknown writes: Braver: Baa-weep-graana-weep-nini-bong?
C3P0: Baa-weep-graana-weep-nini-bong
R2D2 thinks hard and....: Know your role and SHUT YOUR MOUTH!!
Braver: Nope, you still aint got it have you?
Jeremy writes: C3PO: sir the odds of you not getting soud for copy right me and the trashcan are 3460 to 1
R2D2: bip bip bop bop wi wiii wi
braver: never tell me the odds
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Unknown writes: You do realize, that somewhere on the internet some nerds are arguing who could win if we fight...
Pokejedservo writes: Braver (thinking): Okay Nelson Shin, I know your the guy who made the lightsaber in "Star Wars" so that was ok in the movie. BUT WHY ARE THESE GUYS IN THE SERIES?!
Venom writes: Braver: Lucas is so going to sue us....

C3P0: Hello, I am C3P0, human cyborg relations, and this is my counterpart R2D2.

Braver: Shut up.

C3P0: How rude.

R2D2: Bleep blonk bloop fart (All your base are belong to me)
Speedbreaker writes: Braver:"So,your the freaks who had RID pulled off shelves to make room for you!?! Now suffer the wrath of the transformers! C3-PO:"Oh crap..."
Unknown writes: so,eh,that carchangingthingie,yeah,eh,could you,eh,teach us that?Cos those cabrides are really getting expensive...
Wolverine writes: Braver: Hey buddy you got the stuff? C3PO: Yeah you got the money?
Unknown writes: Dammit you tin-plated pansy, your gonna tell me what happens in episodes 2 and 3 or I will go Death-star on your ass!!!!
Newt writes: C3PO: Let the wookie win...
henry writes: C3P0: "My word, what well-developed pectoral hydraulics you have."
R2D2: "Bleep BLEEEEEEP!"
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Unknown writes: C3po: Just passin thru!!!
Unknown writes: Next month on PayPerView, its the MIGHTY robots of Transformers vs the GAY robots of Star Wars. Everyone can predict the outcome, but it will still be fun to watch.
Unknown writes: braver:How u doin?
Galvatron Z writes: Braver: "You mean Hasbro has released about a million versions of you two and not even one of me?!" Bah! My agent is soooo fired!"
Unknown writes: 3PO! Quit looking at my crotch!!!!
Unknown writes: What the bloody hell happened to your face?!
Unknown writes: C3Po: Hello autobot. now tell this stupid human to get outta my shoulder!!!
jan: was it my fault this board is sticky???
Thunderstreak writes: The mother of all Season 3 animation errors.
Blitzkrieg writes: "If you guys are C-3PO and R2-D2 and that kid in the back is Han Solo, then where the hell are Luke & Leia?!
MarkuS writes: Braver: "So what do you transform into?"
C3PO: "To a goof-off-bot from Lucas Arts"
Braver: "Don't you think Dai Atlas and Zone sucked?"
R2 opens t
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Unknown writes: C3PO: "I say, would you happen to know where I can get this small humanoid removed from my shoulder?"
Optimus Primevil writes: Braver:even megatron's diagnostic drone could beat you guys up.
Unknown writes: "For the last time Tin man, there is no "Master Luke" here."
Unknown writes: Braver was not impressed with R2's ability to transform from a 2-legged astromech droid to a 3-legged one.
scott writes: 3PO: MOVE IT, BITCH!
Unknown writes: This is ri-god-damn-diculas
Optimal Optimus writes: Ugh! First the Jetsons meet the this?!
Unknown writes: Braver: Halt! No gay robots allowed!

C3PO: But you let Boba Fett in and he's not even a robot...

Braver: Well Boba Fett is a Transformer with a cool face and not a gay robot like you!

C3PO: But he's not a Transformer or a robot!
Optimus Primevil writes: Braver(thinking): Only unicron can change these two losers into decent fighting machines.
Unknown writes: You two are the worst Hollywood agents I ever had!
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Unknown writes: Wow!! New Armada characters !!!
Drake writes: You two are definatly NOT the droids I was looking for.
Omega Prime writes: AH GEEZ!!Not another damn series crossover
FortMax writes: Braver: you guys look shorter in person
FortMax writes: Braver: you guys look shorter in person
FortMax writes: Braver: You two don't look 18 cycles. Let me see your IDs
Unknown writes: Braver stumbles into c3po and r2d2 and he says
Braver: My name is braver i am from cybertron
C3PO: I am C3PO and this is R2 and we come from a galaxy far far away
C3PO: ok! ok! were hiding here before George Luca
Hot Rodimus writes: (R2 Bleeps and Wissles)Braver-dude,someone shut that ashtray up!
Hot Rodimus writes: (R2 Bleeps and Wissles)Braver-dude,someone shut that ashtray up!
Percepter writes: Braver:"First the kid, now the gay robots of Star Wars. *smacks Threepio* Those movies rocked, but nooooo, you and R2 have to be 'life partners'!" R2:"*incomprehensable robolanguage*"
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Unknown writes: Braver: (smiles) Hello ladies. Can I buy you a drink?
R2-D2: Wwwooooooooo! (just like he did in the movies)
Unknown writes: And they said the Movie was a Star Wars rip-off!
Super Ginrai writes: Braver: So you guys new around here?
C3PO: Yes
R2D2: beep...beep
Braver: What did you say about my mama, you little rollin garbage can?
Unknown writes: Wow! So tell me, what's Harrison Ford really like?
Unknown writes: Dance music backround(C3PO and R2D2 walks past Braver)
Braver(grabs C3PO by his shoulder):Sorry,Transformers only,let me see some ID.
C3PO(checks his pockets):Here you go.
(Braver checks the ID)
Braver:This is a Darth Vader's Club Card and it
Unknown writes: Braver: Damn, cheap spare pieces again!
Unknown writes: Braver: Well, it's not a great cross-over, but it beats scooby-doo and G.I.Joe.
ruination writes: NO, George Lucas can't have Optimus's autograph!! slackers
ruination writes: Stick with the Star Wars, the force won't help you on this show
Optimus Primevil writes: Braver: Even that pretender megatron (beast machines) wouldn't dare extract you sparks.
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jester writes: Sure we could use more robots, but I'm sure the cowboy has other things to do!
Unknown writes: Sorry, wrong cartoon
Unknown writes: Braver: ah crap! Just what I need! Star Wars Rejects, why cant you go bother Optimus Prime!?
giga-galvatron writes: Braver: Sorry but we have no job openings right now.
C3PO: See what you did R2!!
R2D2: Beep beep beep beep beep*
* See whats happens when you give Lucas fruit cake for christmas*
Unknown writes: Braver: It seems your slot-shaped mouth won't do for me. That's alright. That little boy over there does a good job of polishing my rod. If you know what I mean.
R2-D2: [extends mechanical arm and zaps C3PO's metal ass]
Unknown writes: Braver: Quick someone call our lawyers George Lucus is going to sue us!
Unknown writes: Braver: Do you guys like mashed potatoes? Because you will be that in a few seconds!
Hot Rodimus writes: Brave-...I Called Hasbro to send me Boba Fet and they Sent Me you two rejects!?

(R2 bleeps and wissles)

3CPO-Mr. brave,I think R2 just said something about someone's "Mama'"...
Optimus Primevil writes: Braver: Let me get this straight, you've got no weapons, you can't transform, you guys can't merge, you can't fight and you guys have more toys modeled after you than me and my buds?!!!!!!!
Unknown writes: Braver: Welcome to the Transformers Universe; All your base are belong to us.
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Ultimate Optimus writes: Braver: Holy Crap! Why couldn't you have been someone cool like Boba Fett or Darth Maul? C3PO: Just ignore him, R2!
Unknown writes: I've got nudie pics of Princess Leia!
Dynamus Prime writes: Braver: Is this where the Star Wars Episode 2 auditions are being held?
Unknown writes: Bah weep granah weep nini bong
Unknown writes: C3PO: No, he's NOT a Dalek!
Blitzkrieg writes: Braver realizes something is very, very wrong.
Unknown writes: C3PO:What you look'n at?!?! Do you wan'a piece of me bitch!?!?!
R2D2: Beep Beep BEEP BEEP!!
Unknown writes: C3PO: "Why yes! We've been thinking about killing all the humans and ruling the world too!!!"
Braver: "Look, there goes one now!"
Unknown writes: C3PO: "Why yes! We've been thinking about killing all the humans and ruling the world too!!!"
Unknown writes: Braver: Hey! Didnt I said no gang bangs!
C3P0: He's free with every purchase
R2D2: Bleep Bleep Bleep*
When will the pain end?
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Unknown writes: Can't transform...too much annoying threat to galaxy found...Much worse than Unicron...Aaahhhhhh....**
Unknown writes: C3PO:So........hows every one? Braver: Good good. Uhh...hows George? C3PO: He's fine. Its just that well he's not much of the compationate master. Thats all. Baraver: oh sorry. Well Hasbro didn't re-new my toy contract so we&am
Unknown writes: C-3P0: Hi, we're trying to hide from George Lucus.
Unknown writes: Braver: Wow! You mean you got animated too?
Unknown writes: C3PO: "Sucky sucky ten dollah." R2D2: "Beep Blip BOINGG!"
Unknown writes: Braver: "So... Rams fans, huh?"
R2: "Breet beep boot!"
C3PO: "Just ignore him and keep walking, R2. We'll beat them next year."
Unknown writes: Moments later, C3P0 would recieve a crushing clothesline and R2 was taken out with a Tombstone. Next week on Smackdown it's Rumble & Frenzy vs. The Rock and Stone Cold.
Thunderstreak writes: R2-D2: "Bwee bweep bwee wee?" C-3PO: "Yes, Artoo. I DO sense that another lame cartoon crossover is in the works!"
Unknown writes: "Oh my, Braver, you're right. That is the largest codpiece money can buy."
Optimus Primevil writes: Braver:Okay which one of you is the headmaster and which one is the body?
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Optimus Primevil writes: Braver:Okay which one of you is the headmaster and which one is the body?
Dirge writes: Braver:you guys from the 70s right, damn hippies
Unknown writes: So, take a left at Albuquerque and you're there! Easy huh?
Unknown writes: C3PO: Excuse us sir!...We just got laid off from our last job and we were wondering if you guys had any openings for a bi-curious retro-robot and a portable robo-potty in your organization?
Shermtron writes: so what do you guys transform into...
Super Prime writes: C-3PO: Uh..excuse me where is Luke Skywalker and Han Solo. Braver: You are not in Star Wars are in Transformers: Victory. C-3PO: Oh.....see R2D2, I told you we are in the wrong show.
Unknown writes: Braver: "I'll show who's boss you geeky little Star Trek losers!!"
Unknown writes: (1980"s) "doo doo drreeep bweeeeep"... My friend R2 and I are looking for jos. he would do well as a trash can, and i could wash shoes at the cybretron subways station! can you please give us jobs?
Optimus writes: C-3PO": I do belive we're in te wron show R2.
R2-D2: beep beep beep
Braver: Star Wars is down that corridor.
Unknown writes: Braver:So...what's the deal with you two? I're always together and touching each other.
C3P0: Why? You want in?
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Joe writes: man this is too stupid for comment. wrong set you star wars jackoffs.
Unknown writes: BRAVER:I want to ask if you two heroes can help us Autobots become Jedi.Can you? C-3PO:I'm sorry sir, but droids can't be Jedi. R2D2:Wreetbeep.
Unknown writes: C3P0: No r2 i wont be the bitch and let braver be butch its his turn to be the bitch!!!!
Braver: ahh comon 3P0 you love havin your pipes cleaned and you do bitch alot !
Unknown writes: Braver: What I dont understand is why people like you two. See me and a couple of the guys at least make a big robot all you two do is whine like babies!!!!
Unknown writes: c3po:hello im lord skywalkers bitch who do you belong to. Braver:realy i belong to no one you what hahahahah you cant change no wonder your a bitch.
Unknown writes: Braver: Aren't you in the wrong show?
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Transformers Podcast: Twincast / Podcast #351 - Ask Your Dad
Twincast / Podcast #351:
"Ask Your Dad"
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Posted: Saturday, June 1st, 2024

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