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Devastator gets slagged!

The Ultimate Caption Contest

Devastator gets slagged!
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190 captions have been posted for this image so far ...
trailbreaker writes: Slag - “Hey I found a penny!”
trailbreaker writes: Devastator gives birth to a Dinobot.
Optimum Supreme writes: Hey, cut it out, Slag, this is a kids' show!
Ms. Trebuchette writes: "Me Snarl found use for Devastator's Shock Absorber."
Rainmaker writes: Grimlock (Offscreen): Me Grimlock like porn!
floptimus writes: Let's do this another time, we need to keep our tryst a secret.
Evil Eye writes: Are you ramming me into a wall or are you just pleased to see me?
Mad_Mexicoy writes: OOOOOHHH!!!!! LOW BLOW!!!!!
Transformation619 writes: Devestator: Nooooo! Not my cro-
Slag: Hehehe hope that helps your itchy crotch!
Unknown writes: So thats what they mean by getting HORNy!
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trailbreaker writes: Devastator - "NO TEETH! NO TEETH!"
hot rod 907 writes: devastator: OY YA GOT A SPIKE IN MY LAWHATSITS!
darth_paul writes: Devastator: Oh dear Primus no don' t use your flamethrower there! PRIMUS NO IT BURNS!
Roadshadow writes: Devastator: Quit licking my balls, dammit!
SilentBlaster writes: Devastator:Die dino ..... Ow my ball joints.
Zeedust writes: Oooh, that's gotta hurt... No wonder we never saw Devastator after the movie...
kanesomers writes: 'Do I make you horny, bab---' Oh, that's terrible! Forget that I typed anything!
punycron writes: Mike Rotch gets devastated
starscream_the_eternal writes: After weeks of constipation Devistator finally went in for a manual impaction removal.
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seminole1 writes: Devastator: OH GOD NO!
Castle74 writes: Does this constitute as sexual harrasment?
Roadshadow writes: AAAAAAAAHHH!! Get it off, get it off!!!
Roadshadow writes: Devastator: Umm...what the hell are you doing?
Slag: I'm checking on your balls for cancer. They might be infected.
blaine71274 writes: You dinobots are about as smart as dogs. Always smelling the crotch.
blaine71274 writes: This is my first body peircing.
blaine71274 writes: Well, what do you think? Can I get rid of it?
Starazor writes: About as bright as an extinguished candle, Slag took Devastator's insult as a request.
Kamakaze Thrower writes: A thousand "kick-in-the-jimmy" jokes came around after this picture was confiscated by the Cybertronian police.
Kevinus Prime writes: Times were rough for G1 actors after the series ended, as shown in this shameful film "Devvie Does Dinobots".
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Kevinus Prime writes: Brokeback Transformers: The Movie
Kevinus Prime writes: Slag: "HA! Devastator sound like Wheelie now!"
1337W422102 writes: I won the Caption Contest and all I got was the ruined Devastator!
Byrerprime writes: Dev: If this is up as long as the last caption I'm going to be in serious pain.

Slag: Energon toy, Universe Buildtrons repaint, Universe Micromasters. And what do I get? A Cybertronian curse word named after me. How would you like it if I called y
Kamakaze Thrower writes: The reason why Slag is no longer allowed in Transformers.
Scatterlung writes: Mechanic: Wull deres yer prablem! Ye gotta dinobut in yer gonads!
snavej writes: Devastator: You not dinosaur, you horny armadillo with bad breath! Me Devastator roast you with your own flames one day.

Slag: You will suffer when friend Snarl arrive!

Devastator: 'Friend Snarl' no come - he no sleep with film producer,
snavej writes: Grimlock (out of shot, just been kicked in the belly): Urrgghh, you think this smutty? You no consider Spike Witwicky's soft porn pictures on Slag, you stop that right now or you get bad name!
hellveticon_06 writes: S: me slag will crush you down!
D: ...oh really, big bozzo--*OOHFGH*
(followed by a sound of a ringside bell)
S: HAH! who's big bozzo now!?!
hellveticon_06 writes: devastator learned the hard way the meaning of 'big bozzo'
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snavej writes: Slag: Why they not allow us to combine into Dinoking? We could kick your ass easily then!

Devastator: Me not interested in hypotheticals. Me kick YOUR ass!
Ransom writes: Just to remind you all to read the warning next to the picture, and observe that captions which amount to written descriptions of a porno scene from some porno movie violate the spirit of the Ultimate Caption Contest. Thank you.
The Lord of Locusts writes: Aww..Right in the Cog.
snavej writes: Devastator: Stop! This supposed to be kids movie!

Slag: Don't care. Haven't had any action since 1987!
SeekerInAFakeMoustache writes: Most people bite the heads off their foil-wrapped chocolate bunnies. Slag decided to go one better.
Acelister writes: Slag gets 'friendly' with Devestator...
Zeedust writes: Another day, another episode of "Cybertron's Funniest Home Videos." One day they'll run out of things to hit Transformers in the groin with... but today, sadly, is not that day.
Archanubis writes: Devastator learned the hard way not to call the Steelers "losers" in front of Slag.
atleast1 writes: Just kiss it once, just the tip, aw yeah...

Pew, now my thigh feels better, thanks Slag!
steve2275 writes: this is ur wake up call
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RPG writes: i'm pretty sure all he is doing is saying hello...
Silver Wind writes: Having dealt with Devastator for the moment, Slag turns his attention to the perverts... Hope you aren't one of them.
Fussion writes: That's it baby a little lower.....
Vampire Hunter writes: Dev: AHH!! What the HELL are you doing!?!?
SLAG: Me just doing what Megatron is doing to Optimus Prime next to us.

Optimus:(off-screen) Oooh!! Yeah that's it...right there...ooh wait...a little lower...yeah, right there...ooooooOOOOoooh!right bet
snavej writes: Devastator: So, this why they call you 'Slag'? You very rough and dirty. Devastator likes you. Maybe we have casual relationship after big fight? What you say to that? Romantic energon bucket for two, sounds good!

Slag: The things me do
Ravenous Zero writes: Mmmm, Taste just like chicken.
Magnus writes: Oh, don't worry, he doesn't bite. Just ignore him and he'll leave you alone.
snavej writes: Slag: I like to suck beryllium bologne!

Grimlock: Caesium salami!

Slag: Beryllium bologne!

Devastator: Kindly cease your dunderheaded prattling and pray let us continue our thespian task. Swoop, please descend so that I may smite you!
snavej writes: The 2005 Prom Night was wilder than expected. Autobots and Decepticons got down to some serious lovin'.
trailbreaker writes: COVER YOUR EYES KIDS! THIS IS DIRTY!
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Whelpd writes: Uh my groin!!
Ryu-Shu writes: push him back, push him back
Damolisher writes: Devastator: You know, this powerbomb would look a lot better if you transformed into robot mode first!!!
Damolisher writes: Paul Heyman: "GORE! GORE! GORE!
SITHSCREAM writes: *Hits Slag In The Nose With News Paper* Devestator: No! No!Bad Slag, Down how many times have I told you! Bad Slag!
Thanatos Prime writes: PWN'D!!
Thanatos Prime writes: Dev: Whoa! Friendly little fella!
Screambug writes: Slag: "Bow wow wow!!!" (Wags tail)
Devastator: "Down, boy, down!!!"
Suddenly, Slag jumps onto Devastator and begins smelling his crotch.
Devastator: (thinking) "I should've changed my underwear!"
Death-Ray Charles writes: Tese two have powerlinxing all wrong
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Blaster_6267 writes: Devestator just got "sacked" while playin football with Slag
dabattousai writes: See the two loveable TransFormers get it on in this years academy award winning movie "Brokebot Mountain."
DeathBlast writes: Optimus Prime:"Oooh he hit hard,looks like he won't be getting up for awhile."

Megatron:Autoscum! "Wait a minute,theres a flag on the play."

Referee: " After the play... personal foul,unneccesary roughness,and unsports
DeltaSilver88 writes: Kup: "...and that's why you get penalty."
Slag: "But me no understand... me supposed to knock Devastator down during football!"
Kup: "I know. Now.. where the hell are my glasses?" CRUNCH
Slag: "...Oops. Slag make
Frobman writes: It is much more worse when Slag has been programmed to be a dogbot.
Slag: Where's the stick? Where's the stick? Where's the stick?
Death-Ray Charles writes: FASTER FASTER FASTER FASTER!
Jaw Crusher writes: Even after the Constructicons disengaged, all six of them were still talking with high-pitched vocabulators for at least an hour afterwards.
Road Turtle writes: CRUNCH!
Devastator, "Uh! AH!"

Slag, "What? Devastator Girl Bot?!"
Zeedust writes: Few knew of Slag's ability tp combine with Devastator.

And those who found out usually needed therapy afterwards.
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DestronMatrix writes: Slag:"Me Slag say you berillium bologna"
Silver Wind writes: Announcer: Oooh... And it looks like Devastator is down for the count after experiencing a powerful attack from Slag, ladies and gentlemen!

Devastator: (glare) I haven't lost yet!

Announcer: You will after Slag has run through you again...

Zeedust writes: Well, now we know where Constructicon Maximus DIDN'T come from...
Demonic Femme writes: Slag, "One crotch down- four to go!!"
Zeedust writes: Wow...

He his Devastator in the groin so hard his head flew off.

It's like Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots on crack.
Ratbat writes: Slag defeats Devastator in seconds!
galvanostril writes: grimlock: uurrgh... right in the dumptruck...
snarl: can't look away, melting optics aarrgh!
devastator: I'd cry, but there arent enough tears...
Zeedust writes: And that was the end of Devastator's deep and menacing Sinistar voice.
Magnus writes: Grimlock: Don't worry, he no bite. But relax, him smell fear.
Zeedust writes: And THIS is why Bruticus and Menasor weren't involved in the assault on Autobot city. They valued their ball bearings too much to stay and fight after seeing this.
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Unknown writes: Slag: Can I paint his yoohoo gold? It's kind of a thing.
Devastator: How 'bout no, you crazy Dinobot *******!
gir writes: Dev: I hate it when they do THAT! Optimus get your damm dino mutt off me!
Lug writes: Slag,you Slag get away! Isaid I didn`t want a blow job!
Unknown writes: thanks for the B.J. dino!!
Unknown writes: Cup Check!!!!
Unknown writes: where arcee?
Bruticus writes: Slag: "What have you done with Snarl? WHERE IS HE?"
Unknown writes: wow slag when you give head you look real HORNey!
Unknown writes: wow slag sucks devastator off! I guess orion pax fudge!
Unknown writes: Isn't that cute, Slag and Long Haul are kissing.
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Galvatron writes: DEVASTATOR: Slow down.. yeah that's it... ooh yeah... here we go now...ooohhh yeah
Chrono writes: This is not the head I wanted.
Unknown writes: Reffery:Fowl play, 2 shots.
Unknown writes: After that, Devastator was never able to pee standing up again.
Unknown writes: Devastator: (really high squeaky voice) I give up! I give up! You win!
Unknown writes: MY DICK !!!!!!!!! slag: he he
Unknown writes: AW YEAH! I'M HUNG!!
Unknown writes: Well there goes the idea of devestator jr.!
Unknown writes: Devastator "can you use some wd40 it's a little ruff"
Unknown writes: *A little nod to Major Payne...*

Devastator- "Megatron...I can't... feel my balls."
Megatron- "Devastator... they ain't there."
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Unknown writes: Devastator- "No! No! Anything but-" CLANG!!!
Devastator- "..."
Unknown writes: Slag- "Since Slag can't kick you... NEXT BEST THING!!!"
Manchester Devil writes: Grimlock (Offscreen): Me Grimlock worry 'bout Slag
Sledge writes: Wheelie is jealous of Slag at this moment....
Firefly writes: hit 'im in the particulars!
Suzuki writes: Ooh! Right in the little Devastator! I bet he’s dino-soar now!
Unknown writes: Slag: O'Doyle rules! *raises fist into air* (mmmm....Billy Madison)
Devastator: I feel sick. *urk*
APOLLO writes: Slag to Devastator: "Wazzzzaaap" to Grimlock: "Grimlock!!! Get The Tables!!!"
Unknown writes: Slag:"Shining Headbutt! hehe."
Pokejedservo writes: I bet you that Neil Ross and Arthur Burghardt are now glad that there was no dialouge in this scene.
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Skids writes: "DINGGGGGG!"
Mirage writes: yeah i said no teeth
Unknown writes: Slag: This is for Swoop! And Sludge! And Grimlock!
Grimlock(off-screen)Hey! Me supposed to say that!
Unknown writes: Grimlock: Me learn this from watching Smackdown.
Jeremy writes: nillsion from the simpsons comes: hey devasator catch the football
devasator: ok AHHHHHHHHHHH my grund
Jeremy writes: nillsion from the simpsons comes: hey devasator catch the football
devasator: ok AHHHHHHHHHHH my grund
Omega Prime writes: Devastator: I gave you $50 bucks so you better suck it harder bitch!
Omega Prime writes: Slag: me Slag crush your fµ©kin cock! Devastator: fµ©kin dino crushed my cock! what am I gonna do if I have to masturbate?!
Omega Prime writes: Slag: me Slag crush your fµ©kin cock! Devastator: fµ©kin dino crushed my cock!
Unknown writes: me slag say deceptaballs
goooooood! :o
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Unknown writes: devastor: SRRRRRGGGGGG!......... my geroned
Neotron writes: Devastator:Suck my dick!
Suck it! Suck it! Slag:
Mmmmm! Tastes like cicken!
Unknown writes: Slag in cartman voice: ME kick you in the nuts you hippie Beeyotch!
Wolverine writes: Kup:(offscreen) Jeezuz! Slag is about to get a mouthful!!
Unknown writes: slag; so wich one of you constructicons am i giving head to
Sideshow Sideswipe writes: Slag: No way baby, this twenty dollar extra.
Unknown writes: Slag:"Do you EVER change your underwear?Phew!!"
Sheba writes: Slag:*sniff sniff* Hmmmm smells like Decepticon...
Unicron writes: my balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thunderstreak writes: Kup (offscreen): Oh, sorry! That's just his way of saying hello! Down Slag! Down boy! Heel!
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The Chosen One writes: Devastator: This is my first time at a piercing parlor, you sure you know what you're doing? Slag: Me Slag do this lots. Do this for Menasor many times. Menasor: HEY!!!
FortMax writes: Oh my god, slow down! play with cybertrons moons, thats right...oh baby..I..uh...arg....hold, I'll get you a towel
Unknown writes: Slag sic balls! **(watch the movie "Stand by me" to get joke)**
Silverwolf writes: Dev: I promise I won't let it happen THIS time Slag.

Slag: Okay, me trust you this time.

Dev: He, sucker. In more ways than one.
ThunderCracker84 writes: GORE!! GORE!!! GORE!!!!
hobbes writes: Tell me where thew Key to Mextroplex:me Slag need to go now.'
Devestator:No aHole
Unknown writes: "Say uncle, or me Slag bite down."
Unknown writes: "Spear!!!!!!!"
Super Prime writes: Devastator: Oh yes Slag keep going. Grimlock (offscreen): Me Grimlock says that Slag is gay. Swoop (offscreen): Me swoop says Slag trying to hurt Devastator. Sludge (offscreen): Me Sludge says Slag is playing with Devastator.
Unknown writes: you the one whose been pickin on my kid brother?
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Unknown writes: Devastator: this is the bad thing about privates!!!
Unknown writes: Devastator: this is the bad thing about Transformers.......n privates!!!
Dynamus Prime writes: Me Slag hope spot not important!
Unknown writes: What the fu...? Slag?! Get the fµ©k away from there?!
Unknown writes: There! That'll teach you to not pick on my fellow Dinobots!!
Shermtron writes: AL Micheals: And devestator has been sacked by slag..
Unknown writes: corny prono music
devs:yes! yes!
slag: me havent even done nothing yet.?
Unknown writes: Me Slang don't swallow
Unknown writes: Devastator:Like TRIPLE H said..."SUCK IT"!
Windcharger writes: Devs: Yeah, keep it going Jenna (looks down) aw, Slag what are you doing?
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Maxie-Astrotrain writes: Devestator: Alright thats it! The "Me droped contact lens" excuse is wearing really thin!!
Unknown writes: Devastator: "Good thing I'm not a fleshling! Ouch."
Unknown writes: Who da' man?!
Unknown writes: while suffing the net Slag came across this battle photo of his last encounter with Devestator. He wondered why Wheeljack would put such a image on his XXX website.
Unknown writes: Prepare to feel the might of..
Unknown writes: Aww yeah baby suck it hard!! Suck all of it! yeah you like it don't yah!?
Slag: Me no have idea what you talking about.
Unknown writes: Honey! It's not what you think!
Unknown writes: Slag demonstrates the honey nut crunch
Bwg writes: Stop, (hehe) that tickles!
Unknown writes: Slag: When me Slag is done inflating this lifesized inflatable Devastor doll it will be the best practical joke ever!
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MEGATRON writes: Slag, No! The recoil will be too muc.....ACK!!! I told you.
Slag "MHmmmMHMMHNMM" (Translation, My mouth is stuck closed)
Unknown writes: Devistator:Dont suck so hard,Slag. You're cutting off the circulation!!!
Unknown writes: Me Slag already a Headmaster
Optimus writes: Devastator: Oh Slag, OH SLAG! Slag: Quiet! Me Slag no want others to know about this!
Metroplex writes: ok thats just disturbing..
Shrapnel writes: Me Slag do Heimlich maneuver!
Bombshell writes: Slag's gone from suck to blow!
Unknown writes: Me Slag, clean up room, put this here, maybe with square table next to it...
Unknown writes: Devestator: Oh, mam! PLEASE NOT THE STOMACH!!!!
DrSpengler writes: Devestator: Hey! What are you doing? Oh......proceed.
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Unknown writes: "Just don't let go while I try to impress those femme-bots over there."
Unknown writes: Is that a Dinobot in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
Unknown writes: Devistator thinks: This would only be better if I had a six pack on top of slag's head. :-D
Devastator writes: "Oh baby, oh baby!"
rumble writes: *CRUNCH*
Devastator: NOOOO! I was going to make a baby Devastator tonight!

Slag: Excuse me!
Shadowen writes: CENSORED.
Unknown writes: Devastator: Prepare for Ejaculation!
Slag: Me slag no see nothing!
(TFMovie references)
Riseacon writes: Devestator: So, Suck on my green painted balls!
Slag: I told you to stop doing chef from South Park impressions when we make love!
JP writes: Defensor: "Arrgh!"

Slag: "Me Slag want to see you Devastator laught THAT off!!"
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