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Megatron on his hands & knees

The Ultimate Caption Contest

Megatron on his hands & knees
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219 captions have been posted for this image so far ...
trailbreaker writes: “Yes, this mattress is quite firm.”
trailbreaker writes: “That’s right Megatron, 20 more pushups !!”
Evil Eye writes: "Starscream! This exercise regime sucks! I've been at this for 4 hours and all I've gained is a hernia!"
BG the Robit writes: Behold! Megatron the Robo-Dog!
BG the Robit writes: Megatron: Megatron bows down to NO ONE...
Megatron's Wife: Ahem?
Megatron: ...except for his wife.
Ravage XK writes: MEGATRON: "In the future I will transform into a tank, thought I better start getting some practice. Err, how is this?"
STARSCREAM: "Its just not the same"
trailbreaker writes: Megatron had too much Energon and Starscream's horny....
Frenchhorngirl writes: "Must I, Starscream? Yoga isn't really my thing."
Chrisby writes: FINALLY I can use my back cannon in robot mode!
Evil Eye writes: No, Starscream! I WILL NOT ALLOW ANY MORE YAOI FAN-FICS!
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GraveBorn writes: This yoga shit sucks!
Rex Prime writes: Megatron: eh...stupid malfunctioning eye and visibility technology, i wish the whole war didn't start and i fixed myself from ol'robot jenkins shop.
SoundMaster1 writes: starscream:5000000000 more push-ups, megatron!
megatron:why am I doing this again?
Gigantatron writes: Megatron: Ok I know I've been a bad boy but please just give me my candy now!!!!

Starscream: here you go!!! {Kicks Megatron in the butt}
Dragon_Convoy writes: Starscream- Megatron tonight your the woman and I am the man
ACStarscream writes: Well before he was reformatted into Galvatron, Megatron showed signs of the madman he was to become...
trailbreaker writes: Megatron breakdancing???
Tiedye writes: MY Glasses! MY Glasses! I can't see a thing without my glasses!
darth_paul writes: Megatron: In the future Starscream I'll be a T-Rex and I'll run around like this going, "Rarh-Rarh! Terrorize! Yes!"
SS: "Oh dear Primus, I'm glad that I'll be dead then I wouldn't want to see that."
bringo writes: Contact find it.
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tian17 writes: Megatron: O Starscream, you know you want it
kingd16 writes: My equilibrium, failing.
Mad_Mexicoy writes: That's it............He's finally snapped
BluavalancheZ71 writes: Megatron: Nobody move, I have lost my optic sensor.
In back ground crunching noise
Starscream: oops I think I just found it.
Megatron: You fool when we get back to the base you will be scrapmetal!
BluavalancheZ71 writes: Stop your pathetic whining I have heard enough!
Shadow of Lio Convoy writes: Skywarp: Megatron's a Muslim?
Death Gunner writes: Megatron: BEASTMODE!
Zeedust writes: "Man, the lengths I have to go through just to use this thing... From now on, any body I have, the weapons are shoulder- or forearm- mounted only! Well, maybe some handheld stuff..."
Judynator writes: Mega: We do gymnastics! 1, 2, 3, 4 - 1, 2, 3, 4... Come on, Strasfool! Come to gymnastics!
snavej writes: Megatron: Now, all I have to do is fire my ass rocket and I will outspeed even the fastest Autobots. One, two, three ... THHHRRRPPPTTT!

Starscream: You shoulda cleaned out the tubes first.
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snavej writes: Starscream: What have you discovered, Megatron?

Megatron: Buffalo come.

Starscream: I can't see any, even on the horizon. How do you know? Can you hear them?

Megatron: No, fingers sticky.
seminole1 writes: Megatron: Starscream, when you're down like this on all fours the flesh creatures call this( doggy style ). It's some kind of position they use when they're having something called sex.

lockepsb writes: Narator: Somewhere in the desert of Arizona we find Megatron trying to get Starscream to come out of the Closet once and for all.

Megatron: Now, Starscream what is it that you are thinking about when I get down on all fours like this?

Starscream: H
punycron writes: Okay. Now, right hand red.
Dclone Soundwave writes: Megatron:"No! Grant me mercy Starscream, I beg of you!"
Starscream:"You who are without mercy now plead for it? How about this? NO!!!"(Kills Megatron)
starscream_the_eternal writes: "Hurry up with that Preperation H40 these cyberroids are killing me"!
Ratbat writes: No more, Wheeljack!! Grant me mercy, I beg of you!
Roadshadow writes: Megatron: Woof woof! I'm a dog!
Starscream: I hate charades...
seminole1 writes: My god i'm so old my legs gave out.
Octocon writes: "no starscream, im tired of your fools always missing the autobots when im in hand gun mode... ther is a autobot convoy approaching, this time i shall shot Optimus Prime myself! woo har har har"
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Octocon writes: "what are you doin megatron?"
"silence you fool! if i crawl like this i, can sneek into the autobots Head Quaters on detected as one of the dinobots"
"so dats why your leader!"
Unknown writes: megatron: Quick! starscream, get on your hands and knees and crawl around with me. we shall pretend to be animals. then when the autobots come, they will think we are animals and they will go right by us. its the perfect plan. Hurry!

starscream: that h
Roadshadow writes: Megatron: In order to hunt like an animal, you must BECOME the animal.
Starscream: God you're stupid...
Unknown writes: No... the screen fell out AGAIN? FIND IT!!!
Roadshadow writes: Megatron: Dammit! Where the hell are my glasses!?
Starscream: I can't believe I joined him...EVER.
Kamakaze Thrower writes: Megatron had just been shot in the bad place for the first time.
Scatterlung writes: Megatron: Yes, puny insects! I am your new leader! You shall do my bidding, or taste my wrath!!!
luevanoalx writes: MEGATRON: MY QUARTER,MY QUARTER....
Zeedust writes: "Man, I whish this thing were somewhere more useful... Like on my hip of something..."
Demonic Femme writes: Megs, "AW- Damn it again, I keep tripping!"
Starscream, thinking, 'perfect shot...'
Megs, "Someone help me find my contact lens"
Starscream, 'I should go for it'
Megs, "Hurry up!!!"
Starscream, "
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Godfather Bluto writes: MEgs: Do what ever you want to me Sky Devil I can take what ever you've got.
SS: Even this, burining hot energon rod.
Megs: Starscream, I use that everynight thinking about u.
gauthic_angel7680 writes: hey starscream, where are you running off to. you know i like it doggy style. get back over here and show me what a real bot is like.
gauthic_angel7680 writes: with the sh*t stains visible, star scream backs away slowly. with fear of retrubution on his mind for failing to do the laundry right again
Screambug writes: Megatron: "Hey, don't you know WHAT a dog looks like, Starscream?! Fool! I will show you how a dogs acts...woof! woof! See, birdbrain?"
Masterpiece Prowl writes: Now where did I leave my fusion cannon?
Ratbat writes: Megatron--downed by Wheeljack!
Armbullet writes: Don't think im not on to you bug people! Ive been waching you this whole time!!!
Armbullet writes: Don't think im on to you bug people! Ive been waching you this hole time!!!
Zeedust writes: Megatron: "Soundwave, stand on my back. Starscream, get on soundwave's shoulders and hold your arms out so Lazerbeak and Buzzsaw can land on them."

Starscream: "What kind of half-brined scheme is this, Megatron?"

Kal-Seth writes: Dirty Decepticons Five
Bad Bots 3: Megatron Takes it doggy style

only On Fox
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Zeedust writes: Megatron: "Bet you fifty enegron chips I can blast Omega Supreme's little toe with this thing from all the way over here."

Starscream: "You're on."
juggaloG writes: Megatron's new artillery piece mode!
Magnus writes: Remarkable! These six-legged organisms can lift 10 times their body weight. That's more than I can say for you, Starscream.
Erik writes: starscream hey wgat are you doing megatron megatron looking at my presents
Zeedust writes: Starscream and Megatron will now reenact the climactic scene from the classic Beast Wars episode "The Low Road" for the viewing pleasure of those of you in the audience who like lowbrow humor.
Bruticus writes: Starscream: "Buck Dich! Buck Dich!"
Megatron: "I've got to get his 'Rammstein' CD's away from him . . ."
Unknown writes: (Megatron) NOBODY MOVE!! I lost a contact lense!!
Unknown writes: Megatron: Good Starscheem, hic, I seem to have drobbed my beer... pleeesh helll... helllll... helll...p... me find... ith... hic...
MeGa writes: UH! uH!UHHHHHH!!!!!
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Unknown writes: Optimus: get on you're hands and say that you love me!!
Unknown writes: Megatron in a position he never thought he'd ever be in-Starscream's.
Unknown writes: Damn! I dropped a quarter!
DKusanagi writes: I'll show you why I am the "Push-up King" back in Cybertron
Unknown writes: "...That's funny, I could've sworn I saw a big black fusion cannon around here somewhere."
Zeedust writes: Aaaaaaaawwww... Widdle baby Megatwon...
Zeedust writes: Has the contact lens joke been done already? I can never manage to get through all the posts for these...
Unknown writes: Megatron: I dropped ony of my optic sensors, so watch where you put your feet down. *crunching sound* Starscream: Oops....
Transformer writes: Megatron: Wait stop here i saw a penny on the ground
Starscream: o man....
Unknown writes: See: The majestic idiot training for Beast Wars.
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Unknown writes: Starscream: Sir, um, I don't think this is the best time to show us your Velma impersonation.
Megatron: Oh, and like you could do any better numbnuts.
Unknown writes: Megatron: What?!! Where am I? Where're the Autobots?

Starscream: What a dork. This is the result of all the alcohol consume.
Unknown writes: Starscream : And you call yourself leader of the Decepticons??? That's the girliest push-up I've ever seen!
Ricochet writes: Megatron: Where are my contacts?!
Beast Simpson writes: Megs: I saw this in a movie once... If we listen to the tracks, we can tell if a train is coming....
Zu Darkness writes: Damn you Starscream I'm going to get you for banging me up the F-----G ass
pawmaster writes: man, what a night! If only I could remember it all?
Unknown writes: Megatron: Please be gentle..
Optimus Prime: You, who are without mercy, now plead for it?! I thought you were made of sterner stuff! (Translation: I thought you liked it rough?)
Soundwave: Negative. Soundwave is the seme. (Suddenly dressed as a do
Unknown writes: Back ache1 blam No i broke a miroor 10000000000000000000000000 years bad luck
Unknown writes: Screamer: Seriously Megatron, I AIN'T THAT WAY!!! Megs: Awwww c'mon, you know you want to! That's it- Screamer: That ain't my dick, Megatron. Megs: Oh ---- this is gonna hurt!
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Unknown writes: do u always have to go so quickly? cant we just cuddle for a little while!
Unknown writes: Starscream: Ok megatron NOW we'll see who's YOUR daddy!!!
Unknown writes: megatron: OH yeah f*ck my ass and cum on my face!
Unknown writes: Megatron: "Don't be an idot Starscream and help me find me optic lens."
hwti3 writes: You'll be gentle won't you?
Bruticus Buckeye writes: Mighty Megatron, Mecca is that way!
Battle Angel writes: Quick, find a quarter! The space bridge now has a toll booth!
Unknown writes: Starscream: Now you're MY B*TCH!
Kamikazecon writes: Megatron regretted educating Ravage on how to be a fierce guard dog when he realised he was being watched
Unknown writes: hey guys check stop shooting and check out this cool anthill.
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Unknown writes: SS: Megatron! Drop and give me 50 million you petro-rabbit!
Megs: One...two...three...
Unknown writes: Starscream: I-I can't find it! Megatron: Don't give up, Starscream, I know you'll find my trigger!
z writes: Megatron: Where are you gonna put it in????
Starscream: It already is in!
Megatron blinks and looks behind him...
Megatron: Excuse me? I don't feel a thing!!
Unknown writes: Megs:"What about the HEADMASTERS"?
Alexander writes: Nooo!! I lost a contact!!
Unknown writes: Starscream: Drop and give me 50!!!
Megatron: your not the boss of me!
Unknown writes: Why dose the U.S. toy safty movement hate me?
Unknown writes: Megatron: Damnit! Lost my contact lense!
Sledge writes: "Starscream, I'll show you how to breakdance!"
Metroplex writes: M: I lost my contact lenses have you seen them?
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gabriel writes: 2,000,000,000. Starscream:stop!
Unknown writes: Starscream, quit looking at my butt!
APOLLO writes: Megatron: "Jesus christ, first my fusion cannon is stolen, then my back blaster is somehow fused in place, now I have to resort to shooting people on my hands and knees."

Starscream: "He He He, and once I give him a swift kic
Unknown writes: Starscream: Now I'll prove to all Decepticons that I'm the top dog!!!Is the videocamera on??
Unknown writes: "You know I only do animal voices." Whatever you say, Mr. Welker...
Unknown writes: M:*sniff sniff* hey starscream get the turpentine i think this is where ravage pi$$ed on the floor!
Skids writes: "And now the most electrifying move on Cybertron -- THE MEGAROONIE!"
Unknown writes: Megatron:"Behold, my next form, Mega-Dog!"
Hypertron writes: Megatron:I feel sick, I think I have a bit of the BeastWars coming on "cough,cough, oh, cough, BEAST MODE!" "Bark ehem Bark"
Unknown writes: (dog mode) Arf arf!
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Unknown writes: Megs: I dropped my milk money!
Unknown writes: Meg: But... where are my gasses?! H-help!!!
Stacey writes: Starscream you fool ! clean out my partical beam !
Jeremy writes: megatron: ahhh my heart this cant be my dreams are comeing ture optimus down matrix right in my face all i need to do is fire this gone and ill be happy
starscream: hey leader guess what u won lattery
megatron: AHHHHHH my heart im dead
Unknown writes: Megatron gets on his hands and knees and starts acting like a dog.
Unknown writes: Starscream: Get down on the floor and say "uncle."
Megatron: Yes sir!
Unknown writes: Nobody move, that contact has got to be here somewhere.
Unknown writes: with the sh*t stains visible, star scream backs away slowly. with fear of retrubution on his mind for failing to do the laundry right again.
Unknown writes: megatron: star scream, these hemoroids are killing me.
Unknown writes: Megatron:oops i drop the soap
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Unknown writes: The Virus, taking effect as Starscream hoped....has turned Megatron into a dog....Now Starscream will be supreme leader of the Deceipticons...
Omega Supreme writes: Megatron: Where the f#ck is my Fusion Cannon?
Starscream: I think,Soundwave,stole it again.
Megatron: Damn him!
Unknown writes: MegatronL:9,987, 9,988, 9, dammit Starscream I lost count!!!!!
Nemesis writes: Megatron: IIIIGHT, Starscreemman... Putcha schwung up me buttamanboy!!! Come down wit da doggaman stylie!!!
Newt writes: I said mount me, you silly goose!
Unknown writes: oh..oh..where is my key...???
Unknown writes: Did u c that pink petro rabbit!!!
Unknown writes: Will u suck out tha poison for me?????
Unknown writes: Damned contact lense...
Unknown writes: Mega: Hmmm... I wonder if that backcanon still works. Star: AW yes I have a canon right for ya Meggie!
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Unknown writes: Starscream: What the hell are you doing?
Megatron: Practicing for my newest role as a 6 changer on Robots in Disguise!!! And when I become Galvatron i get 4 more transformations!!!
Unknown writes: starscram: i am in control now. drop down and give me 20 megatron
Unknown writes: Starscram:Megatron, i am thirsty!
Starscream:No! DON'T pi$$! GAAAK! BRRRZZZZZ!
Unknown writes: (Robot voice:)MEOW MEOW...
Unknown writes: Starscream: I've been waiting a long time for this, Megatron. Megatron: Damn it, Starscream, the Patriots were 14 point underdogs, it's not fair! Starscream: Life's not fair, bitch... get ready...
Blitzkrieg writes: Starscream: "Get on all fours and bark like a dog!" Megatron: "Yessir!"
Unknown writes: Megatron:"Fear the legendary Decepticon pose of death! Mwah-ha-ha!"
Galvatron Z writes: Megatron's master plan for luring Tracks to his doom!
FortMax writes: Everybody hold on! I lost a contact
Silverwolf writes: DAMN IT PRIME! Quite kicking me, I lost a contact lens. AND DON'T GET ANY IDEAS DANNY!*crunch* OH! That's just bloody fµ©king wonderful.
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Unknown writes: Where are you, you wascaly wabbit!
Unknown writes: Your an idiot Starscream! I told you to get me Rumble not a Rumble!
Unknown writes: Megatron: Now not so hard this time! My ass is still soar...
Unknown writes: Megatron: Now not so hard this time! My is still soar...
Unknown writes: Awl right Bitch! Get down and give me 20!
Unknown writes: Megatron: Dammit, Starscream! Where's that contact lens

Starscream: Maybe you need to get lower... ah, yeah, that's it. What a sweet ass.
Unknown writes: Optimus: "blue..42...set..hut!!!
Unknown writes: Megatron: Now Starscream don't get any ideas from those fetish books!
Super Prime writes: Megatron: I said Optimus to do it not you!
Stelartron writes: Let's play horsie!
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Unknown writes: Taste some of my smaller canon.Let me just get in position to shoot you like a true scientific war genius should.Oh and starscream kick me in the ass to give me a boost.
matt writes: (Megatron) *sigh...* The things I have to do to kep Starscream happy! (Starscream) Heh heh heh...NOW who's your mommy, 'Mighty' Megatron?
Unknown writes: I dropped a damn quarter!
Chains writes: megs: ok this time see if you can get both hands in there.
Unknown writes: the damn micromaster is up here!
Master Hound X writes: Meg: hey watch this I'm gonna fire my cannon

Star: yeah I can find a good place to fire MY cannon
Windcharger writes: Starscream: I don't want to lead the Decepticons, I just want to be YOUR master
Megastron (to himself) thank Primus, Shockwave never played games like this
Unknown writes: Someday, I'm going to tell CYBERTRON about the crying game!
Unknown writes: *Barry White Music Playing in the background*
Starscream-Now Megatron, who's the leader? No, who's yo' daddy?!
Unknown writes: Damn! I KNOW I dropped a quarter here somewhere! Now, where the hell is it?
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Unknown writes: damn, where the hell is that soap at?
Unknown writes: As the Decepticon ranks were decimated Megatron slipped into a mental lapse thnking he was a chicken. Which left Starscream only to ponder his own existence
Unknown writes: Hey boy! You look mighty good in those jeans.
Unknown writes: Megatron: Starscream why do you allways want to do it from behind? Are you pretending I'm someone else?
Jackpot writes: "My shadow! My beautiful shadow! What have you DONE with it, accursed Autobot fools?!"
Unknown writes: Dont just stand there you fools, help me find the keys to the spaceship, or we'll naver make it back in time for FRIENDS!
Jackpot writes: Despite its more relevant title, "Crouching Leader, Hidden Torso" was vastly outdone by its counterpart.
Unknown writes: Megatron: "Heeeere kitty kitty kitty...."
Starscream: "I'll go ask Optimus Prime if he's seen your cat."
Megatron: "Damn it, you fool! I'm looking for his cat! I won't get
Unknown writes: Now I shall destroy...DAMN! My contact fell out!
Unknown writes: "No, Starscream. I did not have a nice trip. And as soon as my hip resets itself I'm going to turn your oil filter into a pencil holder."
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Unknown writes: Megatron : "NOW, WE SHALL TAKE THE EARTH, ONCE AND FOR- OW! DAMMIT! Charlie horse! Ow. fµ©k."
Unknown writes: Megatron : "NOW, WE SHALL TAKE THE EARTH, ONCE AND FOR- OW! DAMMIT! Charlie horse! Ow. fµ©k."
AutobotLDR writes: "Please Sir May I Have another" ...Sorry Fraternaty humor
Unknown writes: Megatron:"Ow,damn...How drunk did I get
last night? And why does my ASS hurt?"
Starscream:"You mean you forgot? I thought
you loved me, Sugarbutt!"
Unknown writes: No Starscream this is how you do pushups.
Unknown writes: well, maybe it'll make it easier for starscream if i get ready first
Unknown writes: Where the slag is my fusion cannon!?
MEGATRON writes: Dammit, I should never have let you go to Tracks' place.
SS: Trust me Megs, you'll like this!
Unknown writes: Getting jiggy wit it.Na na na na na na na na na na na. Getting jiggy wit Megatron
Unknown writes: Megatron: hey who took the football oh well hut hut hike
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Optimus writes: Megs like it doggy style.
Unknown writes: Starscream-Hey there Megatron, dat's a mighty fine ass you got there, so how about a little FDA?
Megatron-FDA, what's that?
Starscream-Well how about I show ya'
Metroplex writes: Megatron: Come starscream, pleasure awaits..
Starscream: you know Galvatron is the only one for me!
Unknown writes: Megs: Right foot red circle, left hand green circle.. arrrrgggggggghhhhhhh impossable!!!
Unknown writes: Megatron (high voice): And I laughed at the prospect of being upperutted by a minibot....
Unknown writes: Meg.- Can you do it like this?? Well can you Starscream??
Jay Prime writes: Hurry up, Starscream! I'm getting cold!
Unknown writes: Megatron:"That's it Starscream! I'm not waiting any longer! Stop polishing your new titanium foot-piece and GIVE ME MY BIRTHDAY PRESENT!"
Starscream:"Oh, it's coming, mighty Megatron. In fact you&
trooper writes: That's the way
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grimlock writes: dammit i lost the bet, oh well might as well et it over with
Optimus Prime writes: Please, Starscream! Be gentle with me! I beg of you!
prime writes: "Megatron, this is not the time to be building sandcastles."
Maxie-Astrotrain writes: Starscream: On your marks..Get set.. GO!!
Unknown writes: Give it to me StarScream
Unknown writes: Damnit Star Scream! Now you made me drop my micro chip!
Unknown writes: Megatron: Starscream, I hope you brought your can of WD-40!
Unknown writes: So where are these headmasters?
NgBoy writes: i really wish starscream would stop looking at my ass during my daily workout
Unknown writes: thank you sir, may I please have another!
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DrSpengler writes: Megatron: See! The birthmark on my ass DOES look like Texas!
Unknown writes: BUGGERY _ It aint funny unless it happens to Megatron!
GiGatron writes: gentle, Starscream.
Unknown writes: BUGGERY _ It aint funny unless it happens to Megatron!
Unknown writes: Ive lost my damn optic lens again - Dont just stand there Starscream
Unknown writes: MEGATRON: "Yes, I can hear it. Astrotrain will be here any..."
prime writes: "Quick! Push him over me!"
Shadowen writes: MEGATRON: Damn contacts...
Riseacon writes: Megatron: Woof Woof
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Transformers Podcast: Twincast / Podcast #351 - Ask Your Dad
Twincast / Podcast #351:
"Ask Your Dad"
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Posted: Saturday, June 1st, 2024

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