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Unicron reading a magazine

The Ultimate Caption Contest

Unicron reading a magazine
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253 captions have been posted for this image so far ...
trailbreaker writes: “You belong to me now!”
Ravage XK writes: Scraping the barrel aren't we?
Heckfire writes: ", '7 Ways To Please Your Man In Bed Tonight.' Saucy."
Taiya001 writes: Unicron: I cant beleive humans read this s&&t. COME ON THERE IS NO WAY THOSE ARE REAL. I think i will just kill the men, at least the females are SMART.
psycho_425 writes: Are you sure this is Playboy?
bringo writes: When your two favorite things find each other.
Goes to together like chocalate and peanut butter.
GraveWaver writes: Unicron: If only the chicks at the local Starbucks were this hot...
ZeldaTheSwordsman writes: Unicron:Ooh,Chucky's Revenge!Wait,what's with
the barely clothed Earth Lady?And why was this
in Sideways' room?
Sideways:I hope he hasn't found my-Oh hell.
DarkMechJock writes: "Starscream voted #2 cartoon villain of all time." What the hell?!
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Lich Lord Dranas writes: The real reason Unicron imploded.
Gamernotaposer writes: Hmmm! If I could change one thing about me everything on me wouldn't be robotic!! :) :)
Draego writes: even planet destroyers need to wind down with a good book... err... Unicron, where is your right hand disappearing too... we gotta keep it clean remember.
Roadshadow writes: Unicron: Hehehe, now if she takes off her clothes...
Flashwave writes: How to get girls,...written for the planet sized at heart.

Ten ways to remove that weight, and dodge the insult "your bigger than Australia
ZaberFang writes: Unicron: Man, am I glad no-one can see this... Wait, i-is that a camera?! I ONLY READ IT FOR THE PIC- ER, ARTICLES, I SWEAR!!!!
ZaberFang: Hey, there are little kids reading this - you can't swear!
Cameraman: Yeah, but that picture is GOLD, man!
Zeedust writes: How Unicron REALLY wound up with his Energon color sceme.

Uncron: "So the playmate of the month likes goths, huh? Hm..."
Superion_007 writes: Who cares whose the fantasy football pick of the week? I'd like to have a fantasy moment with her
Great Red Spirit writes: What Unicron does when he takes a break from destroying the universe
Soda Pop Kurtis writes: I'd love to stick my horns in her!!!
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dolenarda writes: Honestly i just read the articles
Nightshadow writes: Unicron: I still dont see why guys like to stare at these female meatbags with fake breasts that have been enhanced.
Unicron: ...Oh god....
GetterDragun writes: I'd like to invade her moons.
Tiedye writes: After years of destroying Planets, we now see Unicron takeing some leisure time.
Tiedye writes: UNICRON-"Hhhmmmmm,Picks, Chicks,& Nasty hits. Man do these humans know how to live. I just might not destroy the little mudball, just to see the next issue.
Tiedye writes: Unicron was finally subdued by the people of planet Earth, by giveing porno magizines that will keep the Robot busy.
Tiedye writes: UNICRON-"I think I'll look better in that dress."
Tiedye writes: Someone ereased this pictures captions too...(crying) "I was one of the funniest pics." Who the heck is Dippy...Are you doing this?
Tiedye writes: I'll look better in that dress
Unknown writes: Unicron- I am the most powerful transforming robot this side of Cybertron and yet....I still can only dream of getting some decent lady!!! : cries :
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Unknown writes: hurry up and take the picture this thing's getting heavy!!
Unknown writes: Unicron: Hey, whatever happened to the swimsuit section?
Unknown writes: Hmm...if only I could munch on her ice caps...
Unknown writes: Unicron: Hey! I'm not on the cover page! Hmph! Hey, there is a nearly naked lady there... heh... good enough. :)
Rainbow Starscream writes: Unicron: Cover story - Megatron and Optimus Prime get married. Who writes this crap?
Optimus Prime, Jr. writes: "All right Larry. I'm still waiting for you to give me a chance to bring chaos to your Megaverse."
Jetstreamx writes: Unicron: When the heck did earthlings start making magazines "this" big!!! The entire population of Lithos could read this one magazine at the same time!
Dash Trigger writes: Chucky's Revenge? Hasn't that crazy puppet been in enough horror flicks?
Unknown writes: Unicron: damn shes hot I'd like to have her, to bad I hate her and her planet.
Unknown writes: Unicron: I'll be right there, I'm just pointlessly reading every magazine in America to see if I'm mentioned...
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Unknown writes: Unicron: ....................................................................... oh the Phillies won.......................
Unknown writes: (Unicron) Dad was right...playboys ARE awesome!!
Shadow Fox writes: Oh baby..ya drink that beer..oh ya..spill a little on your shirt..wait, I don't have a penis..bah this ruins my friday :(
Unknown writes: I hope they printed my letter about the twin stewardesses.
Artimus Prime writes: She looks good enough to eat...heh, heh, heh...
chinoodin writes: Damnit they said this was porno. They will fell my wrath by eating their company
Unknown writes: (Unicron): "Hmmm, I wouldn't mind munching on a pair of those...."
Unknown writes: ....and in other news, Unicron, the planet sized devourer of worlds in Transformer the movie, will be resurrected in the popular cartoon Transformers: Armada, as a moon. (Unicron): "A MOON!!! Who writes this sh*t?!"
Zu Darkness writes: On the lifestyles of the Rich and Famous we see the all powerful Unicron taking a break from terrorizing the Univerese reading in his Relaxing triple King Size bed reading Maxium
Unknown writes: Hmm.A body the size of a planet and a troser departmen as long as the great wall of china...this may take a while to lift!
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Unknown writes: Whoa...the job section can wait!
Sonia cancle my scedual
Unknown writes: "If I had pants! They would be unzep.
Asheron writes: well well , hello there sugabot
Unknown writes: You know, times like this, I wish hasbro made me human.
Unknown writes: GALVATRON!! Forget the Matrix......Bring me kleenex !!
metalformer writes: Being the Chaos Bringer is certainly not an easy task. The massive destruction. The death of so many lives. Traveling throughout space looking for planets to devour.... that can be a hard and lonely life. So its only natural to kickback and relax once in
Unknown writes: ha ha alone at last my lovely ,
it wont hurt honest
Unknown writes: At least I'm not a tree-humper lke Mario... HERE WE GOOOOOO!!!
Shadow writes: You told me not in a million years. Well, it's been more than a million years, how 'bout now!?
Unknown writes: "Yes, Unicron can fulfill your request, but only after you completed 3 labors"
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micah writes: i am in love
Unknown writes: Hehehe, now if she takes off the clothes...
Unknown writes: Unicron: Ah relaxing after a hard day of killing Autobots and Cons
Unknown writes: Now that I think about it, how many trees did it take to make a planet sized nudie mag?
I am they most expensive toy in the free world HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
The Ponderer writes: Unicron: Grrrughghaaaghrugh...
::PLOP:: Whew....Much better.
Arkhaon writes: Unicron: Drool
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Unicron,"I've been here reading this magazine for so long my ass is numb."
Unknown writes: Unicron: God i'd love to munch on those Twin Moon Bases
The Ponderer writes: Unicron: Those are so fake. The lengths some people will go to sell Franchised goods...
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Unknown writes: Some Unicrons did not ship with instructions...even fewer shipped with "alternate" instructions
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Galvatron,"Unicron,my master with this I shall make you my slave." With those words Galvatron left this magazine in Unicron's den and there he sat for days and weeks reading,still on the cover no less.While Galvatron was free to
Unknown writes: Ooooh yeah, my hardware would go great with her software!
Unknown writes: Dang it, I'm out of oil ! !
Unknown writes: ooohweee i think ill spare this planet in exchange for a date offcourse
Neo Princess Jeannette writes: Unicron: Mmmm...Gail Kim!
apex writes: Unicron:"huh? OH NO! I got a cramp!...ahhh darn ive been sitting her too long. stupid caption contest. urm, help!Arcee? Deadend? Firstaid? Rachet? Bumblebee?...Starscream? why is there never a transformer around when you need him. ahh my cramp&am
Unknown writes: this is one hot mag...mmmmmmmmmmmmmm porn
SeekerInAFakeMoustache writes: Though the newsstand owner was annoyed, he didn't want it to go down in history that his last words had been, "This isn't a library, Mr. Chaos Bringer! Are you gonna BUY something?"
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "Blackout on the east coast.I did it.Now to enjoy the rest of the evening."
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Chachi writes: "I am Unicron, the Chaos Bringer, devourer of countless worlds. Now bug off, it's time for my big honkin' pedicure."
Optimus Primevil writes: This is getting boring... Can't they have a penthouse mag instead of FHM?
Unknown writes: Ahhh darn I knew I should of gotten the posable fingers before I got this. Errr.... now I have to drop it on the floor till it lands open on page 27.
Unknown writes: OHH YEAH NO MOM DONT COME IN!!
Gub writes: I wonder if my beautiful mug will ever be on here??
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Junkions chanting outside Unicron's door,"DESTROY UNICRON KILL THE GRAND PUBBA ELIMINATE EVEN THE TOUGHEST STAIN,DESRTOY UNICRON......" Unicron,"Eat a few planets and every body wants your head,thank god I've g
BoomBox writes: Within the orbits of these globes my hunger will forever be satisfied
Elita One writes: "hmmm... I wonder if they have room enough for me at the heffener slumber parties?"
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "Destroyer of worlds,the chaos bringer,monster on an unimaginable scale,I can reformat lifeforms,some even consider me a god.And I'm reduced to having pot shots take at me on this website.Now I know why Wheeljack was bitchin some much ab
Unknown writes: Oooh baby, what I wouldn't give to have a sip of what she's drinking.
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Unknown writes: "Chucky's Revenge?" Why can't be called "Unicron's Revenge?" I mean, really. What's up with this crap?!
Unknown writes: what, a universal dominator must read to and i am not houngry
Unknown writes: "Ah....would that I were anatomically correct."
SkY LINX writes: UniCr0n:dammn... leaking lubricunt....
Unknown writes: whew Unicron are you doig number two in there? Uranus totally stinks dude... or what's left of it.
Unknown writes: Chucky' Revenge... Wait till Prime sees mine Ha ha ha Snort.. excue me
Hyper Convoy writes: What Unicron does when he isn't terorizing the universe.
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Unicron,"These jokes are starting to stink as bad as Gobots:Battle of the Rock Lords."
Unknown writes: Awesome! They badmouthed Avril! This I gotta read!
Optimus Prime writes: My name shall change from destroyer of planets to lover of these kind of creature. Oh-la-la
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Unknown writes: Oh god..i need the bathroom,i really cant keep in this feeling any more...i need to pee!damn starbucks!
Unknown writes: "BY god, those are as big as Cybertron"
apex writes: Unicron: "how long have i been reading this magazine now?.... and i thought grimlock was a slow reader!"
apex writes: Unicron: "Ratbat! Ratbat stop gnawing on the top of my magazine, its only a picture!"
Unknown writes: "I knew I should´ve become a photographer instead!"
Kaiser Grimlock writes: "Man i wish i hadnt of eatn the planet she was on. *sigh*
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Damn I knew it these jokes have gone on so long they've started to post reruns.
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: uNICRON,"For a time I considered sparing this wretched little wench........"
Megaplex writes: unicron thinkingand looking at mag:20 ways to give your man get an orgasm...hmmm
Ultra Magna Transfan writes: UNICRON "WOW THAT'S AMAZING!" they have chuck's revenge in here."
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Unknown writes: man look at that cjack man i wish i was that cup her feelin me up wow that would be great
Unknown writes: I wonder if carly is the centre fold mmmmm
DKusanagi writes: Omicron after reading: hmmm...makes me want to go get some coffe from Starbucks...
Unknown writes: dang, look at those hoohoos i wonder if Arcee's are that big.
Akyho writes: uhhh hmm Is that what i think it is? can i see threw her top?
Unknown writes: "Ah let's see here, now where are the slagging articles?!?!!?!"
Unknown writes: "Ah let's see here, now where are the slagging articles?!?!!?!"
Hot Rodimus writes: Unicron-"Hey! im in a Caption Contest! hi mom!"
TheKindleman writes: HOLD ON I Will be Out in a MINUTE!!! ....(everytime a world destroyer has to take a crap someone cuts in)
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Unicron,"I grow tired of eating worlds I hafta find a new and exciting way to enslave Earth ...... THAT'S IT! Soft core male oriented porn.Yessssss thats how I'll rule just like Larry Flint knee deep in whores only cleaner.&
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PlasmaRadio writes: Unicron: "Unicron, the destroyer of worlds, specifically asked for Swank, how can I get my moon rocks off to this?!"
Maximus-Prime writes: She's even got more silicone in her body than me......Big magazine BTW, i can swat Cybertron in to destruction^^
Maximus-Prime writes: E-X-T-R-E-M-E.... P-I-C-K-U-P-S......
Damn, should have learned to read bvefore i learned to eat Worlds....
Unknown writes: *ziiiip* "Hey Arcee... I just got a GREEAT idea!"
Scaleblade writes: 'Oh yea, I'd love to eat THOSE moons..'
Dirge writes: At last we descover the source behind Unicron's no gas giant diet.
Ricochet writes: I sense a familiar substence in this women's breasts
Unknown writes: Unicron:(thinking)'hmmm...If she's the same size I am, then lesse...her boobs must be how big? Ah...pi times diameter, multiply by the ratio of silicone, allow for cold air... them babies are the size of slaggin' MOONS! mmmm...m
The King writes: Unicorn down time. Reading magazines and what it be like human.
Dubz writes: "oil spill"
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NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Unicron,"Bring me this woman,stalk her,bring her to me." Megatron(out of picture),"Why should I,whats in it for me?" Unicron,"Your bargining posture is highly dobious but very well I will provide you with her s
TheRoMan writes: "Hmmm...Extreme pickups. I don't know I always thought my line worked good for me. What woman can resist "Hey baby, I can rock your world...and any other one in this solar system!"
homelessjunkeon writes: unicron admires hi work helping the breast cancer girl continue her glamour modelling career.
apex writes: Unicron:"BOY ID LIKE TO POWER LINK WITH HER!"
apex writes: Unicron: "No im not doing it, you get another stooge, ive had enough of eating planets find someother robot to do it, i finally got some time to my self and you go and ruin it."
"Dead end, show the director out."

Optimus Primevil writes: It's obvious to me that she had a boob job
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Unicron mumbling,"What if God were one of us,just a slob like one of us.Try'n to find his way home......rrrrrrr DAMMIT SCOURGE I HATE THAT SONG CHANGE THE F'N STATION!!!!!"
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "Dead End,keep rubbing my feet or I swear I will eat you."
Unknown writes: Baby im *Horny* for you.
Unknown writes: Yknow sitting back and relaxing with a mag after decimating civalisations makes cruelty all worth while.
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Unknown writes: Kate Hudson's wearing that? Give me a break.
Unknown writes: Wow... These "Before Carly" Archives are making even ME jealous...
Unknown writes: Unicron:"Damn! Baby, planets aren't the only thing I love to eat!"
ButtZilla writes: The Autobot Matrix isn't the only thing which can stop Unicron!
Unknown writes: coffe all this talks about coffe thats it i going to tell them to make a actice adout me
Unknown writes: Bathroom! I NEED A BATHROOM! I can't hol'd this feeling much longer!
slyder writes: Screw Milk, Starbucks Coffee does a body good!
Hellstar writes: I said bring me MAGNUS not MAXIM!!
Scantron writes: Unicron: I'd like to get my live hard point into her Powerlinx connector...
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Unknown writes: Unicron: Continue the next couple of episodes without me. I've gotten a sudden need for some Starbucks.
Goblez writes: Unicron: ...are those minicons on her chest?
Unknown writes: Unicron: Since we all know how incompetant the Armadaverse TFs are, I can just sit back and relax whilst reading some 'quality' reading material... Unless the Autobots in this universe have a Matrix. Crap...
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "She really could use a bra."
pcwmase writes: *Whistle blows* Unicron: "UNION BREAK!!" Sideways: "Did you have one already?" *Unicron looks down on Sideways* Unicron: "I said, UNION BREAK!!!"
Tigra writes: Hump Hump
Unknown writes: Wow!
Alirion writes: "Rosebud...."
Unknown writes: hey baby! I got horns in other places not just my shoulders and head!!
Unknown writes: «Well, good thing it's not Orson Welles who make my voice anymore, he'll never let me do such thing, I guess...»
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Dr.Prime writes: "Soon, there will be enough starbuck on earth for me to have a latte... It is the One thing THE ONLY THING, that can get me out of bed...
Unknown writes: What? After eons of munching planets, you don't think I DESERVE a BREAK once in a while?
Amelie writes: You know you're getting old when you're thinking about the coffee more than the girl....
Unknown writes: hhmmmmmmm...... a lot has change since i was last around.
Omega Supreme writes: Unicron: (looking at the girl holding beer)!!, no wait the girl is better then beer but Unicron wants both!! *destroys a planet in a fit of rage*
g2jazz writes: This isn`t the "Donald Duck" i orderded... I should sent it back...... (unicron looks into the magazine:) nevermind sending it back.....
Unknown writes: Where is the toy mag. with me on the cover.
Unknown writes: I hope the Webmaster of doesn't mind me reading this ... why the hell are the pictorial pages stuck together?
Spartanion writes: "Ah its the start of another NFL season! Now if I had a big screen TV and her I wouldn't be eatting planets for a liveing."
Optimus Primevil writes: Hey Baby, How you doing?
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NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "HEY they got a caption contest too."
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "I'm truely remorseless.I kill billions without batting an eye yet there's something about a red head with a great smile,and a sweet pair of jugs that brings me to a stop everytime."
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "I wonder if she's available for Scourge's birthday.He hasn't had a date in ages."
SeekerInAFakeMoustache writes: Unicron decided, for the sake of safety, he had to do some research on the one being in the universe more deadly than he: the eternally powerful, uber-beautiful MARY SUE.
Suzuki writes: Mmm! I'd sure like to bite into those moons...(sorry)
Unknown writes: and this...
shall be your ship
Primal Lynx writes: "It pleases me to be the first."
SlagMaker writes: For a moment, I considered sparing your wretched planet Earth. But now, after I steal all of its large-breasted women, you shall witness its dismemberment.
Ricochet writes: The reason Earth wasn't a target for Unicron
devastatorcon writes: deadend: man shes hot, wonder what she loks like topless
unicron thinks in his head:i cold go for some coffee right know, i need some foldgers in my cup
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Exulted Unicron writes: There are other horns on Unicron, not just those on his head!
Rodimus Prime19 writes: Thinks to self, "Damn!!! How long does it take for Viagra to kick in anyways!?!?!?"
Skyfire the Artist writes: It was only then that Unicron realized he hadn't won anything. He had subscribed to hundreds of magazines. At least that explained the personal thank you note from Ed McMahon.
Unknown writes: Apparently, planets aren't the only thing Unicron loves to eat!
skeletal13 writes: I'd devour her planets any day!
quadrunner writes: Unicron: ENTERTAINMENT FOR MEN!!! Close enough to the Maxim i ordered. WHAT, this says it is uncensored..." Unicron's straight face turns into one big grin. Unicron: THIS IS BETTER THAN THE MAXIM MAGAZINE I ORDERED!"
davewelttf writes: Unicron:Oh Yeah! Just took over a few transformers sites, now i'm gonna sit back and read my favorite sex magazine. Man, It's great to be a Totally awesome guy.
Background: Mr. Unicron, Your on in two minutes for armada!
ionacus writes: unicron: maxim rules man!
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Unknown writes: "Yes, Rosebud frozen peas! Full of country goodness and green peaness!"
Unknown writes: "Planets aren't the only thing Unicron will eat!"
Unknown writes: *Unicron stares at the Magazine....keeps staring... keeps staring.... and so on, and so forth.... untiiiiiil..* "IS THIS SOME SORT OF JOKE? I ASKED FOR THE 'OTHER' MAGAZINE, NOT A HUMAN ONE, NITWITS!"
Frostic_Prime writes: Pp..p..pppo..por..porno..

Hooked on Phonics worked for me!
Unknown writes: "I'd like to open HER matrix!!!!"
Unknown writes: Pimpin' ain't easy.....
Unknown writes: Hmmm...I wonder which female Autobots can be found in this month's issue of Maxim?
Unknown writes: Hmmm...I wonder which female Autobots can be found in this month's edition of Maxim?
TetraReris writes: What? No 'how to pick up a female planet' column? Cursed humans!
Unknown writes: Unicron: this must be the uncensored version of transformers the movie
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Unknown writes: Unicron: "I have summoned you here for a purpose..." *smirk*
The Infamous One writes: I bet Arcee would hit me if I suggested her upgrading to this model.
Unknown writes: I don't get it: I've devoured countless worlds, destroyed billions of civilizations, killed trillions upon trillions of innocent beings, and nobody says a word. But I look at ONE men's nudie magazine and I've got every
Minicle writes: When you are an immortal, intergalactic dark God, you need to find ways to occupy yourself.
Minicle writes: Unicron:(Composing letter to himself) Dear Sirs. I am a budding art student over the age of 90 mil.... no 20 years. Could you please forward several copies of your complete works to care of...
Dead-end: Say Dad, what are you reading?
Unicron:(Hides Mag)
Minicle writes: Unicron:For some reason i am feeling more deliciously hornier then usual.
Minicle writes: Unicron:Tall, attractive, slim. Would like to meet....
thexfile writes: Unicron : mmmm interesting those umenoid creatiures maby i need to investigate this creature more mmmmmm
Laserbot writes: Unicron: "haa my next target the planet..." Sideways:"boooob..."
Unicron: "shut up, dont make me eat you!"
Laserbot writes: hummm... i didnt know they made magazeins this big...
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KarentheUnicorn writes: Unicron: hum...THIS human has been MODIfied, wonder what she transforms into.
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "Says here Homeless Junkion is back.Thats good junkion always makes me laugh."
RollingMayhem writes: "That's no moon!"
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "Damn coffee I didn't want one till I seen one in this chicks hand."
AutobotJazz writes: I wonder if Arcee knows Hot Rod's had this stuff around the house. She's gonna kill him when she finds his Playbot collection.
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "O.K. time to kick back and relax,and wait a minute I know that girl from some where.......I'VE GOT IT! She was in the before Carly section at Damn thats Spike's one lucky bastard."
krukid writes: Wow, if this is what is on earth I think I will rethink my plans of destroying least for now.
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: I'm so glad the mailman mixed my mail up with my neighbors mail. This magazine is so much better than the Christian Science Monitor.
quadrunner writes: Unicron: Wow, if i would've known that my ex wife would've been on here in that dress, i would've never divorced her. Especially if she would've had that dress on.
Zeedust writes: "How many times must I tell you, Sideways? YOu may have this magazine when I am done with it... And no sooner!"
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Minicle writes: Unicron: This will be perfect for swatting those annoying autobots.
Minicle writes: Unicron:Screw the chick, i could go for that pint!
Minicle writes: Unicron: So thats what happened to my nine hundreth ex wife.
Minicle writes: Unicron:Hmm. Thats funny. Why does this mag's obituaries section have me included?
Unknown writes: 2, 4, 6, 8, what do I appriciate?? BIG TITS! BIG TIS! BIG TITSSSSS!"
Unknown writes: "Hmmm...I wonder where I can get a cheesehead the size of Jupiter."
Unknown writes: Hey, the football previews! Oh, crap, the Bengals are already mathematically eliminated.
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: I actually just get it for the articles (*wink*)
quadrunner writes: Unicron thinking "Why do they all ways give me the crap magazine, why not just give me a playboy. I wouldn't be complaining then.
quadrunner writes: Unicron: Too bad i don't have x-ray vision, otherwise, i'd keep this with me all day.
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Unknown writes: Extreme Pickups, huh? I've been doing some extreme picking up of my own . . . Saturn, Pluto, a little bit of Cybertron . . .
Unknown writes: I don't want to be anywhere near THAT toilet.
Unknown writes: This isnt the latest issue
Unknown writes: Unicron Thinking:'I can't believe they make me look at this stuff, it stinks being a toy!'
Unknown writes: "Picks, Chicks, and Nasty Hits, I'M THERE!"
Unknown writes: Unicron:"Reminds me of, Arcee!"
Unknown writes: After munching on a well sized planet for lunch, Unicron kicks back and reads some magazines of the universe's hottest women until it's time for dinner.
Slappyfrog writes: "In my spare time, when I'm not dismembering planets and ingesting billions of wretched little beings all at once, I like to put my feet up and stare at big-breasted women."
Unicron writes: Ahhh, after all this botcon trouble, it's good to relax a minute and have a nice look on two milky moons
CenturionDroid writes: *Deep voice* "YOU BELONG TO MEE...."
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LOOK at the diodes on that piece of fine metal
Unknown writes: This "Playboy" has gotta be the size of Earth's diameter, assuming it's to "scale" (as if stuff in the TF universe was)!
Shermtron writes: Unicron:nice set of planets ya got there
Shermtron writes: Unicron: I could really go for some coffe with some milk right about now
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Unicron,"Seven months,I haven't been to the dentist in seven months and he still has the same old magazines.Doesn't this guy ever get any new copies? This is from last year even.And if I hafta listen to that crappy muzak version
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Unicron,"I feel bad today Yes that's right I am a bad Transformer."
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Unicron,"Ah 80% of this magazine is ads for crap I'd never buy."
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Unicron,"I'm horny."
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Unicron,"For a time I considered sparing this wretched little wench..........."
Megaplex writes: Unicron thinking and looking at the mag:20 ways to give your man get an orgasm...hmmm
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Unknown writes: Ahhh if only she were a planet, I'd eat her up alright!
Ultra Magna Transfan writes: UNICRON: "WOW THATS AMAZING! they have chuck's revenge in here."
Unknown writes: Look at that cjick man i wish i was that cup her feelin me up wow that would be great
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Transformers Podcast: Twincast / Podcast #350 - Oops! All Optimus
Twincast / Podcast #350:
"Oops! All Optimus"
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Posted: Saturday, May 18th, 2024

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